From the February 3, 2021, edition of Fox News' America Reports
JOE CONCHA (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): I guess we will have to see if [Marjorie Taylor Greene] is pulled off of any committees. That seems to be what Democrats want. But then it sets a very dangerous precedent in terms of if the majority party can start to dictate who can serve and who cannot serve in Congress, or at least in different capacities. And I saw Ari Fleischer put out a very interesting tweet earlier where he said, well, if this is the precedent that's going to be set regarding Ms. Greene, then I believe the next time Republicans control the House --and that very well could help in 2022, they only have to flip a very limited number of seats, relatively -- then Maxine Waters should also be dealt with, because she incited violence, or at least that's the argument that Fleischer was saying.