From the April 9, 2021, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): We are helping them, but it doesn't mean our kids have to take a back seat again. We got 500,000 homeless people around the country.
GERALDO RIVERA (FOX NEWS ROAMING CORRESPONDENT-AT-LARGE): I don't know why you characterize it that way.
KILMEADE: Because --
RIVERA: Why do you characterize it that way?
KILMEADE: What do you mean?
RIVERA: That it's a zero-sum game, that our children suffer because we help the migrant children. I don't buy that at all.
KILMEADE: Are all our kids adopted? Are all the foster families --
RIVERA: I think there are thousands of foster parents watching right now who would accept -- reasonably compensated -- would accept some of these children in decent homes.
KILMEADE: OK, and Geraldo you can tell the American kids they're now -- that they move to the back of the line. We'll tell the American kids needing foster parents --
RIVERA: I am not saying that, Brian.
KILMEADE: Well, that's what you're saying.
RIVERA: This is a country of 335 million people, the wealthiest country on Earth. We can find a way. I'm sorry this happened.