


From the August 3, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Network's The Sean Hannity Show

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): We're taking your calls for the hour. Two doctors that have been on the front line of COVID-19 from day one, they've successfully treated thousands of patients, collaborate -- collaborate daily, almost, and they are big believers in proactive medicine, meaning therapeutics taken immediately, not waiting like others. 

You know, there are states I can tell you like in New York. I knew so many people that were told, oh, you tested positive, go home, and if your temperature goes up, take two Tylenol. If your oxygen level goes 90 or below, you might want to run to the emergency room. 

But my experience has been, and my reading has shown me that usually the lungs get attacked by usually day seven through 10. That's on average. There are anomalies to that, and I'm not a doctor not playing one on on radio or TV. But this is informational so you can make the right decision in consultation with your doctor, taking into account your unique medical condition and medical history. 

And Dr. Fareed -- George Fareed, Harvard Medical School, Dr. Brian Tyson, board certified family medicine. Both these guys have been on the front line since day one and big believers in therapeutics, Regeneron, ivermectin and and, yeah, Donald Trump was not wrong. We have enough studies now that showed you take an early hydroxychloroquine, yeah, it does help mitigate effects -- 84% of the time in one study. 

Then you have the Henry Ford study it, there’s a number of them, and then the two studies that were negative towards HCQ, yeah, they had to rescind them from prestigious medical journals. Go figure. Right?

Anyway, we're taking your calls, questions. Now that we have breakthrough cases, the delta variant, unvaccinated or you were vaccinated and it's a breakthrough case, what -- informationally, what can you learn from them? They have a lot to tell.

Rich is in Pennsylvania, next. You’re on next with Dr. Brian Tyson and Dr. George Fareed, thanks for calling. 

CALLER: Yes, sir. How are you doing, Sean? 

HANNITY: I'm good, sir. Glad you called.

CALLER: Thank you. Thank you very much. Sean, I did have some side effects from the vaccine. I had it May 19, and May 24 was when everything started. I started with inflammation, joint soreness from head to toe. 

And I got, you know, I had blood work done, which showed negative of everything, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis. And my Sed rate was was very high. And anyway, how long do these effects go on for? Is there any answer to that or is there any solution to it? My doctor gave me prednisone which has helped, but --

HANNITY: Prednisone, to me, and I've taken it many times when I'm on the road to reduce inflammation on my vocal cords so I can stay on the road and speak, it's a horrible medicine. I hate it. You get bloated, you get hungry, you just can't sleep. I didn't like it at all, but I'm not telling you what to do. Dr. Tyson, let's start with you.

DR. BRIAN TYSON: So, yeah, so what we're seeing is hydroxychloroquine actually will work in these cases because it's an anti-inflammatory that we use with rheumatoid arthritis and lupus a lot. So I would recommend trying to get on a 200 mg twice-a-day tablet regimen until the symptoms resolve and that ESR starts to come down, which sounds like that it’s an autoimmune or an antibody reaction to the vaccine. And we've been using that also with Singulair, 10mg at night, and even three days of ivermectin initially to get things going. And that seems to be reducing the inflammatory response in these cases. 

HANNITY: Dr. Fareed?

CALLER: Is it common for people to experience this?

HANNITY: I'm sorry, what did you -- what did you ask, Rich?

CALLER: Is this common for people to be experiencing these troubles? 

TYSON: Yes, we're seeing we are seeing it more often. We are seeing it more often. 

DR. GEORGE FAREED: We -- I would agree with him. What the situation is, is that the vaccine produces the spike protein that may move around in the body, may move into the joints and -- or do what Brian said caused an auto-immune reaction, but it could actually be a direct a toxic effect of this spike protein, which is very unfortunate that -- that can happen, and that creates toxicity and microvascular issues. 

But I would agree with what Brian recommended, I think the other agents that could be used would be is colchicine and that's what we're using. It's almost like you're having COVID-19, unfortunately. And so Brian is mentioning basically the heart of our treatment for COVID-19, which is hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. And then in patients who reintensify in COVID-19, we treat with colchicine a classic medicine that's used for gout, actually. But it can -- it has a special type of anti inflammatory reaction that in in a randomized controlled trial was shown to be very efficacious in COVID-19. So, that's why it's part of our protocol for the latter part of the protocol, if it's necessary to intensify. And then with regard to the matter of well, I guess you didn't ask a question about -- did you have COVID-19 at one point? 

CALLER: I believe I did in the early months of, you know, the virus starting. 

FAREED: OK, well, in any case, the adverse effects can be a little more accentuated if you've recovered from COVID-19. That's one reason why I specifically recommend against getting immunized if you’ve definitely recovered from the natural infection. 

CALLER: Right. 

HANNITY: Thanks for the call, Rich. Dr. Fareed, let me ask you one thing, because the family that you were helping down in Georgia, and I'm very grateful for your help, that I know -- they were unvaccinated and they were older. I was very concerned. 

You said something at one point that, and I want to emphasize this as it relates to the monoclonal, you know, cocktail known as Regeneron, although in fairness, Eli Lilly has a brand name as well, as I'm told, as I've read, it seems to be as effective. 


HANNITY: You said that the people have a right to it, and if you go into a hospital, you have a right to ask for that therapeutic. Did I hear you right?

FAREED: Yeah, absolutely. If you're going to be treated as an outpatient, in other words, if you're not qualifying for admission to the hospital because of other findings. But it's -- it's the approval and the indications are if -- Brian may comment on this, but I believe it's individuals older than 21 now or younger people at least that are symptomatic and that are -- have a positive test. And they -- and that's then -- that's what they should follow. So -- that very nice family in Georgia, this Delta variant spreads like wildfire, and it's very contagious. The the older members of the husband and wife have received the Regeneron infusion, antibody infusion, and they're doing very well. The younger ones may have received it. I don't know for sure yet, but they're doing very well --

HANNITY: They did not because it doesn't meet the age requirement, as I understand. And I think the hospital is a very fine hospital. So I don't want to say anything derogatory. 

FAREED: Absolutely. It should be available for younger people, too. But regardless, the oral protocol, that's one that we use for 10 months without monoclonals is very effective. So, that's -- that's good, and they're doing very well.

I also -- thank you for including me last night on your TV show, and it's a great honor. You're doing such a great job to get word out and overcome fear. And I just want to say one thing that Nicole brought up, which, she's a great doctor to be consulting on Fox. 

She brought up this issue of vaccinations and all, and vaccinations have produced -- my position is and I think Brian shares this, that they produced the variants because they grow, they mutate to avoid the antibodies that are created. 

We're seeing breakthrough infections and and new infections, both pretty much equally in vaccinated and unvaccinated, and I'm not so sure that the vaccinated patients do so much better than the unvaccinated at this -- with this variant. I think the variants may be a little weaker in their ability to create all the havoc in the lungs. So that remains to be determined. 

And because of that, the -- we need to use early treatment in both categories of people. But I'm not so sure yet that and maybe Brian would comment on this, that the unvaccinated are the ones that are going to end up in the ICU at this time with the Delta variant.

Brian, do you have any comment on that? 

TYSON: Well, what we're seeing here is honestly the most -- the more severe cases we're seeing with the vaccinated. I've got a 67-year-old gentleman right now that we've been treating for a few days now, got both his Pfizer vaccines in February and March coming in with a pulse ox, 84% on room air, which is extremely horrible. Chest x ray is horrible. We had to put him on home oxygen. We put them on treatment with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin. We use doxycycline with him because of his age and his hypertension. The nutraceuticals which we use our zinc, vitamin C, D-3, and acetylcysteine or nacke, which is becoming harder and harder to get because the FDA seems to be playing a game with that -- with that nutraceutical. We got him on steroids. We gave him some Decadron in office. We've given him inhaled budesonide at home. And he's still struggling. We're doing aspirin 325 Cingular at night and he's still struggling. Yeah, he's still struggling a little bit. 

Fareed: He may have to be hospitalized. 

TYSON: Yeah. We've got him off oxygen at this point, and we're going to be following him up today. 

But by no means is -- is the vaccinated versus unvaccinated discussion, it should not be even an issue at this point; 16.5% of our hospitalizations between June and July out here in the Imperial County were in the vaccinated group, and that's going higher. 

We're seeing about 50%, 50-50 in the clinic, positives, both vaccinated, unvaccinated. If you look at Israel, they're seeing 80% of their cases are in the vaccinated group. U.K. is now up to 60% of their new cases are in the vaccinated group. 

So, clearly, the vaccine has lost its efficiency as far as protection, severity of illness across the board, I think in both cases, vaccinated and unvaccinated still seems to be a lot less than what we were seeing definitely in December and January, although there are some severe cases still breaking through. 

But those, in my view, seem to be more in the vaccinated group, not the unvaccinated group. To clarify that a little bit further, the majority of these infections are also in the younger. We're seeing more kids, more adolescents. And I think that has to do with being locked down in school and not being able to go back to school, so now the young kids are getting infected, which should have been the opposite of what we should have done from the very beginning. We should let the kids go back to school, let them get the alpha variant, let them bring on the herd immunity, and then we wouldn't be in the position we are right now with the Delta variant. 

HANNITY: This gets so complicated on so many different levels, and it's, you know, but what works is what matters, and this is why I keep saying take it seriously. Research, research, research. Look at your own condition. Look at -- it's you know, I'm trying to give the best advice I can. Quick break more of your calls for Dr. Brian Tyson and Dr. George Fareed.