From the August 4, 2021, edition of Infowars’ The Alex Jones Show
ALEX JONES (HOST): This is bad. And we need to see what Tucker Carlson is doing duplicated. And I don't tell this story before I play this clip to go, “Look how great Alex Jones is." But even if they kill me or put me in prison, this is a big satisfaction point in success and completion of the mission. If I could wake up Tucker Carlson -- and Tucker has told me face-to-face, credited me with helping wake him up to a great extent. He's a super smart guy, once he shifted his awareness and became cynical then he sees ever more than I do, you understand? And he's more eloquent in many ways. But I've woke up countless others, ladies and gentlemen. This show has and that means you have by supporting us. And that means you can go out and wake others up who will be powerful forces for good against this evil, and then my job will be complete. In fact, we're very close to converting even more major thought leaders and even if I disappeared at this point, I think I can say my main mission -- and I know God has other missions for me, and I intend to keep going on -- but I do feel a great feeling of completion.