From the August 27, 2021, edition of Real America's Voice's The Water Cooler with David Brody
ANNA PEREZ (PRODUCER AND GUEST HOST): And welcome back to The Water Cooler, everyone. The government has bamboozled Americans once more. No real surprise there. New America's Voice correspondent April Moss conducted an incredible investigative interview with New York Times best-selling author Dr. Judy Mikovits, who explained the bait and switch on the approved Pfizer vaccine. Here's the clip.
APRIL MOSS (CORRESPONDENT): Think for having us. I am pleased to be here with Dr. Judy Mikovits, The New York Times best-selling author and holding a Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology. Dr. Mikovits, thank you for weighing in on this topic regarding the recent bait and switch that the FDA seems to be doing regarding the Pfizer FDA approval of its vaccine. Now, we talked a little bit before this morning. You have some very important information to share about phase three studies. Can we talk about that?
JUDY MIKOVITS (AUTHOR): Sure. So it's really important to know in my 22 years at the National Cancer Institute, a number of years, in fact, most of my time, my focus was on drug development. And then in 1999 through 2001, I directed the lab of antiviral drug mechanisms, which was the developmental therapeutics program of the National Cancer Institute. So a phase, we have to appreciate, phase one, two, and three clinical trials, the kind of studies we have to go through, which often takes decades of work to approve any therapy, whether it be biological or synthetic or drug-based. So a phase three study is a study that's done in humans and it usually has high, medium, and low dose, and a saline trial. So what you're looking for is a maximum tolerated dose, the minimum efficacious dose, and what they call that is a therapeutic index or therapeutic window. So what you really want is a very large therapeutic window so that you don't have to worry about half-lives and things like that. That's the time it takes the drug to break down. So we appreciate the complexities of drug development. So in the therapeutic, in the experimental use authorizations the FDA gave to the vaccines there, in order to get them approved, they had to have contained high, medium, and low dose as well as salines in the trials because the human really replaced the mandates, replaced voluntary phase through clinical trials, phase three clinical trials in humans.
MOSS: So when we talk about those high, medium, and low doses, is there any way for a person who did receive the Pfizer vaccine to have known which dose they got.
MIKOVITS: Well, currently, no. Currently, there is no way to determine what you got, because as we all know, the package insert was blank, and that had to be left blank in order to have conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled – the placebo is saline. And so in order to conduct that study, nobody could know what you were getting, the physician or the place where you were getting it or anything else. So it's presumed otherwise you can't find the efficacious dose or the therapeutic index, which one must understand and appreciate about any drug FDA approved.
MOSS: Dr. Mikovits, you told me about a very interesting situation that happened in March of this year, 2021. And we're going to put up those vaccination images of the vaccination cards. Walk us through that process really quick of the mass vaccination program that happened in a state that we're not going to mention right now.
MIKOVITS: Well, simply said the mass vaccination programs that were held either at various stadiums or fairgrounds where people were driving through a parking lot and getting a shot, what was prepared for those doses, for that particular location and in delivery of that vaccination, you have a card with the lot number of the dose that was given, and it was literally a sticker put on the card. And these are doctors and colleagues because doctors were in charge and took training in order to give these shots, in order to make this safe and efficacious and do this trial correctly. Somebody was in charge – a medical professional.
And so what happened was the lot numbers and match the number of cards printed out by the Centers for Disease Control for that. And so the people who actually gave the shots were not necessarily medical professionals. They were volunteers. So they were given a certain number of the vials of the vaccine of a certain lot. In this case, it was a Pfizer vaccine and the lot number was on the card as well as I believe the lot number was ER8732. And we were there. We know where that was. And that lot number, that was what was dosed out on 4/24 at one of these mass vaccination sites. But what was done was the person was given the shot, a driver's license wasn't asked for, ID wasn't required, it didn't have to be verified. And after you were given the shot and spent the time making certain you didn't have an anaphylactic reaction, a sudden adverse reaction to it and stayed there for a little while, you – the instructions were given to put your name on the card exactly as it would have been done on your driver's license. And that's the shot you were given. Well, that's a Pfizer. It says only Pfizer COVID vaccine. So –
MOSS: So now there's no distinguish or now between a BioNTech and this other one that has just been announced. Really, I think the public had no idea that this second vaccine was even around from Pfizer.
MIKOVITS: Correct. So we don't have a name. We don't have the name Comirnaty, C-O-M-I-R-N-A-T-Y. We've never heard that before. The public's never heard that before. But that was what was approved. So what needs to happen in order to protect those who could be given double doses, who could have antibody-dependent enhancement or pathogenic rhyming because they've already received the vaccine, need to know what that lot number is compared to what they received. And so we need to unblind that study and every physician and patient needs to know what they were given – the entire total package, insert the results of the clinical trial, which is what the emergency use was. It was a clinical trial. We were forced to be experimental animals because the animal trials were never done, we were the animals and unfortunately, now something is approved and people don't know whether their cards any good. I've got many, many calls in the past few days. Well, I got that vaccine. How do I know I got that vaccine? How do I know? I got low, medium, high dose, or saline. How do I know? So this information must be supplied to the individuals under informed consent. This is legitimate informed consent because never again can those people take any drug, any other vaccine, any shot, which without knowing how you might have adverse reactions because of other pharmaceutical drugs you're taking, because of natural products you're taking, this is what a drug developer does. I take into consideration everything the patient is taking in and in the clinical trials, the early clinical trials, that gave these emergency use authorization, the f44.000 people that got this.
PEREZ: So look – shocker – the government isn't exactly trustworthy, especially when it comes to this vaccine. I mean, most of us who were curious at all knew there was something up with this vaccine from the get-go. But this is pretty egregious. The fact that they've lied to us about the vaccine that is FDA approved, I mean, look, crazy stuff. Anyways, you can watch the whole clip.