Levin: Democrats think vaccine passports are "righteous" and "want to turn us into Red China"
From the October 11, 2021, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): They want to turn us into Red China. I've talked about the social credit. Right? More and more data collected on you. Well, you need passports now. You have a vaccine pass -- well, you don't? Well, you can't go into the restaurant. Now, if you have a voter I.D., that's -- that's of course racist, but if you have a a vaccine passport, that's righteous.
So, we're going to nationalize our health care system, we're going to nationalize our school systems, and you can't resist. We're going to open our borders to foreigners, regardless of who they are or what their backgrounds are, what they've done in their lives and so forth because you're just one of a mass. Citizens, though, that they don't matter. You work for the state.
We need more people here -- who says? The government says. The government says. And so, this is a war on mobility. This is a war on freedom, this is a war on entrepreneurship. This is a war on what's between your ears, your own mind, so you can think for yourself, act for yourself, which is what Americans do.