Levin: Biden's vaccine mandates are "totalitarian edicts"
From the September 16, 2021, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Ultimately, it is Biden who is responsible for the 252,000 deaths. He promised he would shut it down during the presidential campaign. He had a plan. Now he's lashing out, he's lashing out with totalitarian edicts, violating the constitution, violating state law.
And I would say to my friend, who's the attorney general of Arizona, I don't think your case is so weak. I don't think it's an uphill battle, but I might amend it to include information about the administrative law. The administrative law which was violated, or will be violated by OSHA and the Department of Labor in trying to. -- in trying to put in place a regulation for which there is no statutory basis. Just a thought.
More than a quarter of a million Americans have died from the coronavirus since Biden has been president. And under the Biden propaganda and the media propaganda, he's responsible for every single one.
And while he can try and attack the quote, unquote, "unvaccinated," which include people with natural immunity -- I started talking about this before anybody else.
I've been looking for the numbers, the CDC doesn't have the numbers. 76 percent have now been vaccinated -- it's almost 8 out of 10. It's almost 8 out of 10, and the remaining 20 percent, many of them either don't need the vaccination, can't take the vaccination.
Of course, some have chosen not to, but there -- there are a number of people who already have immunity, and there are a number of people who have underlying morbidities that prevent it. What percentage of the remaining, I guess it's 24 percent, we don't know. And the CDC either doesn't know or won't tell us.