Former Trump aide Hogan Gidley claims that group has already canvassed addresses and challenged Virginia mail-in votes
From the November 2, 2021, edition of The John Fredericks Show
HOGAN GIDLEY (FORMER TRUMP WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY): And look, I'll say, people out there may be concerned that, “Well, you know, why would I go vote? I was concerned about the last election, I don't know.” I got to tell you, the groups I'm working with, we're on it. We've caught a lot of folks and a lot of ballots that should not be counted. We've gotten them transferred over to provisional buckets. We have an accountability mechanism in place to hold folks accountable now who may or may not be involved in some of this stuff that would, you know, mess with someone's sacred right to vote. We’ve got to count every single legal — legal voters’ vote, and every single legally cast ballot, and we're working to make sure that happens like I've never seen before. This is going to be a good election. We got to get out there and vote, and we've got to make the change that I think sets the tone for the upcoming midterm elections.
JOHN FREDERICKS (HOST): This is going to be it, it's going to be here, it's going to be today. Give us a little insight, tell us a little bit about what you see. You guys have been working hard with voter integrity, you flagged a lot of things. Can you share share a little light on that?
GIDLEY: Sure, I’ll tell you. And look, I want this to be a source of enfranchisement. I want people to go, “Wow, people are watching this, now I understand my vote's going to matter.” You know, what we did was we went in and found the voter rolls in certain precincts, and we took those voter rolls and we kind of overlaid them with the absentee ballots. And we took the addresses, and we want to find out if those addresses were real. And so we went to those people's homes — and they weren't — you know, we found out that the addresses coming in from some of these mail-in votes weren't real. So we got them held up as well — not counted, put in provisional bins, etc.
We found a lot of folks out there who didn't even realize that the poll watchers were supposed to be a 50-50 split in Virginia law, half Republican, half Democrat. We found that to be a problem. We caught some of the precincts trying to use seasonal guest workers to count votes. We put an end to that as well. So, we're out there fighting these fights at the granular level. The media is never going to cover it, because then that would be an admission that there are things that go on during elections that aren't necessarily on the up-and-up. But we found them, we stopped them, we caught them. Now it's time to get out and vote, to make sure that there is no doubt when the polls close tonight.
FREDERICKS: So if there was a ballot, like we were talking to a couple groups yesterday that were telling me they actually did a canvass and identified all of these mail-in ballots, and actually went and canvassed. And 90, 89% of what they went to, the people didn't live there.
FREDERICKS: So, if you got one of these, and they got turned over to you, where you got a ballot that was mailed in, they did the application, the ballot was mailed in, the person doesn't live there. Walk us through the mechanism, how’d you turn that into a provisional ballot?
GIDLEY: Well, what you do is you go in, you point out the discrepancy, and then of course there's no choice. You can't count a ballot like that. So it goes into a provisional bin, as opposed to going into the actual, you know, “count these” pile, if you will. So, when you take a look at what we've seen — and the group you're talking about is the same group we've been working with, going into these actual precincts, finding out, knocking on doors, getting the real story. Then you've got, then you also have a really good, you know, backbone of a lawsuit should they decide to count some of these ballots. And I think that's the piece that's missing in a lot of this, is the accountability. Like, who's going to be to blame if some of these fraudulent votes and some of these mistaken ballots are counted? I mean, there was a judge, I believe, in Fairfax, who decided that it was OK if the mail-in ballots didn't have Social Security numbers on it, which by law it's supposed to have. You have to follow the law when you cast ballots. We're watching, we're paying attention, and we're going to hold people accountable, because we have enough folks out there who've experienced enough issues, and we're all working together rowing in the same direction, like the group you talked to yesterday. I'm working with the same group and many others in the state. You're shedding light and transparency on some of these problems. It's going to be very difficult to — to count ballots when the person professing to count the ballot didn't even live at the address from which the the ballot came. So, we're ready. We’ve got teams of people on the ground ready for this.