From the February 18, 2022, edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto
JACK KEANE (FOX NEWS SENIOR STRATEGIC ANALYST): But why now? I believe this is taking place largely because he perceives an opportunity here based on U.S. and European weakness, political and social divisions inside European and America. And also testing Biden back in March when he moved 70,000 troops on the border — no reaction, just rhetorical condemnation, no increase of assistance to Ukraine. He — after Afghanistan, I think it became an accelerant, Charles. This was U.S. and NATO failure. We turned a country over to our adversary. Putin looked at that and saw what? He saw poor judgment and also weakness. And that is why we're here. He sees the opportunity to accomplish, politically, what has been his objective, and that is to bring Ukraine underneath his orbit and move it away from the West. And he believes, based on the perceived weakness, he's going to get away with it. That’s why this is happening.