Tucker Carlson quoted by RT in Russian

Citation Translated from russian.rt.com: "Long-winded performance": why the U.S. Senate adopted a resolution in support of Ukraine. Convenient theme. Recall that over the past few months, western media have been actively disseminating information about the "invasion" of Ukraine, which Russia is supposedly planning. Based on data from anonymous government sources and intelligence services, western media published maps of the directions of supposedly possible strikes by the Russian Armed Forces, and also named various dates for the start of the “invasion.” Thus, the news agency Bloomberg, citing unnamed officials, previously reported that Russia "may attack Ukraine" on February 15. At the same time, the British newspapers The Sun and The Mirror announced that the "invasion" would begin on the night of February 16th . Russia, for its part, has repeatedly stated that it has no such plans and called on the western media and politicians to stop escalating the situation. Recall that back in November 2021, the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, said that the main beneficiary of the information campaign about the “invasion” of the Russian Federation into Ukraine is the US State Department. “All this around this topic is a malicious propaganda action by the US State Department. The State Department is pumping these fakes, these lies, and their allies, and the leaders of the media and political centers of the United States, so that they multiply, multiply and multiply these lies. And they inflated a rather large bubble around this,” Naryshkin explained then. In turn, some representatives of the American establishment and the media believe that the administration of President Joe Biden is inflating the situation around Ukraine in order to divert public attention from a number of failures and the deplorable state of affairs inside the country. In particular, this was stated by the popular host of the Fox News channel Tucker Carlson. “The topic of Russia is very convenient for Joe Biden. He likes to talk about it much more than, say, about inflation, crime, mortality from fentanyl, or about how half the population of Haiti seems to be moving to Florida on leaking boats,” said Carlson.