From the August 15, 2022, edition of Fox News' The Faulkner Focus
HARRIS FAULKNER (HOST): Will Cain, Fox & Friends Weekend co-host is here with me on the mez today. Always great to have you in focus
WILL CAIN: Thank you.
FAULKNER: Lets start with those numbers, 400,000 versus 400 people in the last 11 days. The bigger number at the southern border and obviously the smaller number here in New York. It communicates to me maybe something was broken before all of this started and the governor is just shining a light on it.
CAIN: Something broke in New York City, obviously something broken at the national level when it comes to illegal immigration. The irony is so thick. This is so rich to hear New York City officials complain about 400 illegal immigrants arriving at their doorstep when, as Nate points out, 400,000 in that one sector. This is simply – it is a political ploy, I will grant those critics that of Gov. Greg Abbott. It is a political ploy – not designed to improve his reelection, in my estimation, but to send a message and give a taste of what the southern border is experiencing. It is just simply beyond irony to see them now complain.