Levin 11.16.20 part 1

From the November 16, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): “The Dominion voting system, sounds like a conspiracy theory." Is there something wrong — by the way, they just found a few thousand ballots in a Republican area in Georgia. What? Remember that you're like, what is it, 14,000, 11,000, 15,000 apart? This matters. So all this pressure, “Hey, stop. You're undermining democracy. Stop. Stop," We don't need lectures from people who tried to destroy democracy four years ago and everyday since. Again, more on that later. The Dominion voting system. Wow, the Dominion — is there anything wrong — all these kooky Trump supporters are conspiracy theorists, there must be something wrong. Where are the media? Why aren't they looking into the the Dominion voting system? Where are they? Where's the constipated news network? Where's MSLSD? Where are they?