Levin 11.16.20 part 4

From the November 16, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Well, as I have my friend, Sidney Powell here, I'm seeing my friends at Fox with a chyron, “experts deny voting fraud with Dominion voting machines." Now, Sidney Powell, I played for seven minutes at the top of this hour the piece done by PBS on October 26, 2020 — before the election — where there were experts, security experts that were extremely concerned about this voting system. They can call it fraud. They can call it whatever they want. And it's — “Mark, she's gone. We have to get her back." That was just whispered in my ear. OK? Well, let's try and get her back.
Anyway, let me get back to my point. My point is that you have the you have the media out there, friend and foe, that are just blowing off this Dominion voting issue and they haven't even looked into it. I mean, PBS looked into it on October 26. I played that for you. Alright, let's hope we're back. Sidney Powell, how are you?
SIDNEY POWELL: It was an army of information coming in from patriotic Americans who are fed up with the corruption all over, including with the new CIA and FBI and DOJ and —
LEVIN: Alright, I want to focus, though. I want to focus though on the Dominion voting machines. Where now we're having people say, experts say that the Dominion voting machines, there's no fraud. And I played a piece at the top of the hour with PBS, October 26, when they did 7 minutes of how this system can be penetrated, but even more than that, how the system is imperfect and they slapped something on the end of September to try and improve it. Why are the media ignoring the Dominion voting machines, or the system?
POWELL: Because it's going to blow up the whole election. It's going to blow up local elections. It's going to blow up congressional elections for some people because they can pick and choose who they want to win. I've got a first-hand witness mail. In fact, I just emailed you an affidavit from a witness that can now be used publicly. It's redacted in some places, but he was present for the creation of the system for the specific purpose of falsifying election results for [Venezuelan leader] Hugo Chavez and then [Nicolás] Maduro, they exported it all over Latin America. It's the Smartmatic and Dominion system specifically built for doing this very thing, for changing the results of elections.
He saw it done. He knows exactly how they do it. He explained how they do it. He's seen it work. And he realized when things were happening the way they were here, particularly when the states had suddenly went down. You know, they stopped counting the votes. That it's because the lead was so great for President Trump that they had to go in and do a separate reset on the machines to make it come out for Biden.
LEVIN: And you have evidence to this effect, witnesses to this effect?
POWELL: I do indeed.
LEVIN: Alright.
POWELL: Here's a quote. “The fact that the voting machine displays the voting result that the voter intends and then prints out a paper ballot which reflects that change does not matter. It is the software that counts the digitized vote and reports the results. The software itself is the one that changes the information electronically to the result that the operator of the software and vote counting system intends to produce that counts. That's how it's done. So the software, the software itself configures the vote and voting result changing the selection made by the voter. The software decides the result regardless of what the voter votes."
LEVIN: It's shocking. And this system is in how many states, do you know?
LEVIN: This Dominion voting machine, I mean, PBS raised concerns about it October 26. I don't know of another news group out there that's since the election — I mean, PBS was raising concerns about this on so much smaller scale when they were basically just doing testing and so forth. And these security experts came in and said this is a very problematic system. And Georgia just adopted it this year, and then they had to put a patch on the system because they were having problems with the system. And it's as if it's all of a sudden perfect with tens of millions of people using it.
POWELL: That patch, Mark, was probably the change in the software needed to make sure that Biden won.
LEVIN: Uh-huh. And people are going to listen to this. You know, the beautiful people are going to say, “You know, Sidney, you and Mark are nuts with your conspiracy theories and so forth." And you know what? They don't study this stuff. They haven't looked into this stuff. It's not their name under penalty of perjury.
LEVIN: What's going on here is shocking. I think this really does look at the dark underbelly of the system, particularly these Democrats' strongholds, machines, cities and states. You can see also, Sidney Powell, we have Republicans that are going along. You can see what's going on in Georgia, which is a disgrace —
POWELL: Oh, yeah. The Georgia system was rushed in at the last minute, and I have had a lawyer tell me that he has a client who knows that there were essentially Biden-type payoffs to family members of the secretary of state and the governor —
LEVIN: Alright, you know, you're making allegations — to protect the company here, I can't prove or disprove what you're saying. You're saying that.
POWELL: Right. I'm saying a lawyer told me that. The lawyer has a client who told me that.
LEVIN: OK. Alright. But I'm just saying I have no independent knowledge of this.
POWELL: Right. Yes. We would have not confirmed that yet either.
LEVIN: Alright. Well, I think the the the core issue here, which is that this Dominion company, they're not the only one that has had problems in the past, and some of these states and counties went ahead and bought their systems. It's a Canadian company. And bought their systems despite the fact that they had some serious issues and I mean, amazingly, PBS pointed it out on October 26, three weeks ago, and now everybody is silent except you and the campaign. It's really a disgusting thing. Alright, my friend. We're going to keep monitoring this, and I want to thank you. I know you're doing a lot of heavy lifting. I want to thank you very, very much.