From the May 29, 2023, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends First
TODD PIRO (CO-HOST): Target down over $10 billion in just ten days after backlash over their LGBTQ merchandise that was aimed at young kids.
FORGIATO BLOW (RAPPER): We gotta stand up for the children. There's no place for, you know, LGBTQ in fourth and fifth graders and third graders. ... We gotta stand up for the children, someone has to stand up for these kids out here.
PIRO: I always come back to the why. Why is Target targeting kids in the first place? And I can't come up with an answer.
BLOW: They're just going at the children. You see it with, you know, they got drag queens in middle schools, they got these furries now coming out. That's the next thing, where people are identifying as cats.
PIRO: You're not targeting the lesbian and gay community, and I think that point needs to be made. You're targeting corporations and individuals who are trying to indoctrinate young children and trying to convince young children of something and basically put young kids, that's the common theme, put them in a position where they don't ultimately have choices because of this indoctrination.
BLOW: It all starts with the children. Somebody has to stand up for the kids, somebody has to stand up for the children. That's where they start with this, you know, agenda with the younger group. They're easily manipulized by making them feel like, you know, this is what everybody's doing, this is what you should be doing. And it's just not right. It's not right at all.
PIRO: It's an important message. Again, we're not talking about not inclusivity, we're talking about kids.