Mark Levin: This is "the same ideology that attacked us on 9/11 ... if there's collateral damage? Well, that's too bad. So be it", Israel could use a nuke to "eliminate its enemies in a split second with a whole lot of civilian casualties"

From the October 17, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): The same ideology that attacked us on 9/11, that have killed Americans for decades now, the same ideology where they tell you they wanna slaughter us, the same ideology that took Americans hostage under Jimmy Carter, the same terrorists who killed 30 Americans and hold Americans as I speak hostage -- and we treat them like non combatants.
Oh, but don't hurt the civilians. Look, we have to defend ourselves. The Israelis have to defend ourselves. The free world has to defend itself. And if there's collateral damage? Well, that's too bad. So be it. Because the truth is if Israel wanted to, it wouldn't need any weapons from the United States, mister producer. It wouldn't have to worry about any hospitals, America. It wouldn't have to worry about humanitarian aid being blocked by the Egyptians. It wouldn't have to worry about any of it, because it has weapons that would ensure victory and would eliminate its enemies in a split second with a whole lot of civilian casualties.
But they don't do it. They don't even talk about it. What would Iran do with a nuke? What would the Palestinian terrorists do with the nuke? Who's kidding who around here?