Levin raged against a BBC anchor who corrected a report that had inaccurately described pro-Palestinian protests in Britain as pro-Hamas

From the October 17, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Maryam Moshiri is an anchor on the BBC, which may be the worst news outlet in the free world, but certainly up there with most of the rest of the American media. I want you to listen to this from the BBC yesterday, cut 9 go.
MARYAM MOSHIRI: Now before we go, earlier on BBC News we reported on some of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations at the weekend. We spoke about several demonstrations across Britain, during which people voiced their backing for Hamas. We accept that this was poorly-phrased, and was a misleading description of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Now here's the weather.
LEVIN: Now here's the weather. You were right, and the BBC is a disgrace. Are we supposed to dumb ourselves down to accommodate terrorism, mister mister and missus America? Is that what we're supposed to do? And our British friends?
The people who are protesting now are not protesting for, quote unquote, Palestinians. Is it coincidence that they're protesting now when Hamas has slaughtered Israelis still shooting rockets into Israel? Is that a coincidence? Pro-Palestinians — and by the way, if there's this great movement of Palestinians who are not antisemitic and really wanna throw off these regimes, and I'm told over and over and over again and so are you that they're not the same, okay, great.
Where is the office of Palestinians for the existence of Israel? Where is that office in the United States, Mister producer? Where is it? Where's the office for the Palestinians that don't support the evisceration of the Israelis state? Where's that office? Where are they? You know what's interesting? You watch any cable show on any cable network, can they find somebody who can say those things and prove it to us? Prove it to us.
Rather than having these British people, American people — in other words, rather than having individuals who are not Palestinian, rather than having individuals who are basically Caucasians, they're not exclusively, tell us what the Palestinians think — why not the Palestinians tell us what they think? Why not? And so there's protests in the street. Now, pro-Palestinian, they say. It's amazing. Listen to the way the media are so thoroughly and completely corrupt.