Mark Levin: The media "might say Hamas doesn't represent all the Palestinians. They may say that, but they honestly don't believe it completely"

From the October 18, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Biden -- hold on here, New York Post -- Announces $100,000,000 for Palestinian's pledges unprecedented Israel aid. Why is he giving a $100,000,000 to the Palestinians right now?
You know, the media, the administration, the Democrats, and some repube-ics might say Hamas doesn't represent all the Palestinians. They may say that, but they honestly don't believe it completely. We catch them in these these cases where they have sort of verbal gymnastics. Look at that, it's the pro-Palestinian side. And the pro-Israel side. Now, the pro-Palestinian side, of course, are carrying flags with swastikas, gays the Jews, exterminate the Jews, two-state solution, final solution, and then you'll go wait a minute, that's Hamas, that's not the Palestinians -- Wait. Wait. Wait. Excuse me?
But when we are told all the Palestinians don't hate the Jews, I assume all the Germans didn't hate the Jews in World War 2 during the Holocaust. We know some of them didn't. We call them righteous gentiles. They protected people like Anne Frank. So, we know all the Germans weren't Nazis. But a hell of a lot of them were, the significant majority of the population.
So, why am I to assume that after all the cultural propaganda from little tikes to fully-grown terrorists, propaganda in our own country, not of that sort by critical race theory, the other kind, which is used specifically by the Democrat Party and their teachers' unions to brainwash our children to come between our parents and our children -- why would I assume that's not taking place in Gaza or the Palestinian Authority --- of course it is! We found the text. We have the the cartoons. We have it all, funded by the UN and us. "No, no, you don't understand" -- No. I do understand.
That doesn't mean there's not a non believer or a group of non believers among them, obviously. But let's not pretend that the vast majority really secretly, quietly, have rejected all the learning and the cultural pressure as little kids, and that suddenly they were able to do what the Germans and the Japanese and the Italians weren't able to do when their countries were taken over -- they were actually able to think independently. Maybe they read some John Locke and Montesquieu, mister producer. Maybe they read some Jefferson and Washington stuff. Who knows?