Mark Levin: "World War II, we committed all kinds of war crimes, didn't we, America ... let me just suggest to you If they cut off the water and electricity for the past 2 weeks, this thing might be over"

From the October 23, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Dave Chappelle. I don't believe I've ever commented on this guy. Everybody comes to his defense. He's a real stand up guy -- no, he isn't. He's an a-hole. Wall Street Journal, Dave Chappell criticized Israel's bombing of Gaza at a performance in Boston, which the comedian accused the US of aiding the slaughter of innocent civilians. See, this has an impact on Biden and his inner circle because these are the kind of low life, low IQ morons, that they hang out with. Washington and New York and Hollywood.
Oh, do you see these people in Hollywood? "Time for a cease fire." Shut the hell up, you clowns. Why -- are they on strike? I hope. It's over and the writers are over? Go on strike. Get out of the way, you jerks. At a show at TD Garden on Thursday, Chappell first condemned the October 7 attack on -- it's the way it goes, "It was awful. It should never have happened, but two wrongs don't make a right. We need to cease fire to negotiate with the Nazis." To negotiate what with the Nazis? So sick.
But he criticized what he said were war crimes in Gaza, according to people in attendance. That's right, war crimes. Defending yourself. I don't think we've invented a bullet yet, a grenade yet, a missile yet, or any armament that can pick out the terrorists who dress in civilian clothing from the civilians. Tough thing to do. We never did that.
I guess World War II, we committed all kinds of war crimes, didn't we, America? Cause we wanted to defeat the Nazis and Imperial Japan and Fascistic Italy, and that's what we did. I don't know, we didn't bring our generals up, did we, on war crimes? Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley, so many others? No, I don't think so. I think we celebrated them.
Now we have general Joe S. Biden of Scranton who's the commander in chief of two countries, or wants to be. The comments came up when Chappelle said he didn't think students should lose job offers for supporting Palestine.
Now, I wanna make it abundantly clear. Once again, despite the constant lectures to you and me that there's a difference between Hamas and the Palestinians, the supporters of the Palestinians continue to talk about Hamas as Palestinians. The media do exactly the same thing. "There's two sides here" -- well, aren't there then three sides?
Students shouldn't lose their jobs for supporting Palestinians -- an audience member's command for the comedian to shut up during emotional response from Chappelle who criticized the Israeli government for cutting off water -- cutting off water and electricity -- let me just suggest to you If they cut off the water and electricity for the past 2 weeks, this thing might be over. Instead, you give them water, you give them electricity, you give food, you give medicine, Who fights a war this way? We don't. Do the Arabs? Do the Europeans? No. So, why are we pressing the Israeli jews to do that?