Levin compares killing Palestinian civilians to nuking Japan, declared "All throughout World War II, civilians were targeted ... if you don't take the heart out of the enemy, the enemy doesn't die."

From the October 31, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Israel is not only fighting their their enemies, those enemies are our enemies. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran. The Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad. They've killed thousands of American citizens and thousands of American soldiers, and they are trying to fight a war as we do not anymore, and as apparently, we will not anymore.
They want to defeat Hamas. They want to obliterate Hamas. What does this humanitarian cease fire stuff? Have you ever heard of that phrase in any other context other than in the last three and a half weeks? Did we have any talk about humanitarian ceasefire during the Civil War, during the Revolutionary War, during World War I, during World War II, during the Vietnam War, during the Korean War? Humanitarian ceasefire? It's a war.
They're trying to defeat the enemy -- defeat the enemy -- enough of their people have died under presidents of both parties who've insisted on, quote, unquote, the equivalent of a humanitarian ceasefire. And Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran and all the other yabba-dabbas, they understand the Democrat Party-slash-Western mentality and they exploit it. And they exploit it. The Israelis -- pray to God -- are going to ignore Biden. They're going to ignore Blinken. Oh, publicly, they'll pat them on the head, thank them for everything. But behind the scenes, they must do what they must do.
And if Hezbollah and Iran wanna open a second and a third front, then Israel has the weapons to deal with that too, and they have the ultimate weapon. We used the ultimate weapon twice. Those bombs were built for Germany, but it turned out it was Japan that wouldn't surrender. And American lives, red blooded American lives, we had lost enough lives. World War II. Hundreds of thousands of lives, and Japan wouldn't surrender. We fought at Okinawa, and people don't know in that little island. South of Japan, Okinawa, we, our Marines suffered the greatest casualties in any battle in American history. The Marines did. Any of their battles in our history. That was the most costly. Not Iwo Jima, not Guam, not the Solomon islands, Okinawa, and enough was enough.
All throughout World War II, civilians were targeted. They were targeted by the Axis powers. They were targeted by the Alliance, as well as manufacturing sites and military sites, of course. But if you don't take the heart out of the enemy, the enemy doesn't die.
Harry Truman, after he dropped the first atomic bomb, they weren't sure it would work. They were thrilled when it did. They only had another one. The Emperor of Japan, much like a religious figure, he offered a partial surrender with conditions. Truman said no. Unconditional surrender, and they wouldn't do it. Two or three days later, they dropped the second bomb. They had none left. They prayed to God it would work, and it did. Japan surrendered unconditionally.
"Mark, Mark, you're such a warmonger." Isn't that interesting? History makes you a warmonger. Discussing history makes you a warmonger. But I don't judge my character, I don't judge my morality, I don't judge myself based on what reprobates, malcontents, and miscreants have to say about me or anybody else.