Mark Levin blames spike in anti-Semitic hate crimes on "allowing people from Arabic Muslim Countries, from the Middle East and other parts of the world to come into this country unvetted."

From the October 31, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): The unseriousness, ladies and gentlemen, with which Biden and his flunkiest take anti-Semitism and anti Americanism is really quite unbelievable. Notice how they keep trashing you. mister and missus American. Notice how they keep trashing you, mister and missus American, like you're Islamicphobics. How so? How's that -- how's that evidenced anywhere?
And notice when this White House speaks, they cannot say anti-Semitism on our college campuses, in the streets, by a growing swath of the Democrat party is unacceptable. They always have to say anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Apparently, they're in the same sentence. Christopher Wray testifies -- I'll get to him in a minute -- 2,4 million Americans -- excuse me, 2.4 percent of America's Jewish -- over 60 percent of the religious hate crimes are done to Jews.
Now, who's doing this? Why such a spike? This wasn't the case 10 years ago. This wasn't the case 20 years ago. Well, I'll tell you why. Because we are allowing people from Arabic Muslim Countries, from the Middle East and other parts of the world to come into this country unvetted. Again, that doesn't mean everybody from these parts of the world are so terrible, but it means there's a lot of them coming in who are.
We see it with our own two eyes. We read their signs, and we know the enemy, Hamas, and the others are sending people into this country. We know this because they've sought to infiltrate our culture and our politics. We know this because they said so in the 1990 in a meeting in a hotel, a Marriott Hotel near the Philadelphia Airport, that was wiretapped by the FBI.
We've got to defeat these people in the next election, or we're done. We've got to defeat these people. The colleges and universities are overrun. The Democrat Party has destroyed our cities. The Democrat Party has destroyed our media. The Democrat Party has destroyed our border. The Democrat Party is destroying Israel. By the way, friend of mine, dear friend., we'll call her Hailey. She came up with a new term, mister producer. Jews exiting the Democrat Party, she said, let's call it "Jexit." "J-E-X-I-T." Let's hope that's the case. Let's hope that's the case. If there aren't enough Jews in this country to make a difference, quite frankly, our numbers are way too small.
And so, when you have open borders, when you have an immigration policy that doesn't base it's standard on importing individuals who support our country -- that used to be the standard, by the way -- you would have allegiance to this country. Not anymore. You hate the country, get to the front of the line if there is a line. Otherwise, you sneak right across the border. Our country is being destroyed.