Mark Levin: "Where's Islamophobia taking place? ... I'm talking about some systemic or ubiquitous Islamicophobic activity going on in America. I don't see it ... Where are the people shouting at the top of their lungs to obliterate Muslims?"

From the November 1, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): So now the White House is putting together a group to combat, to counter Islamophobia. Is that what you see happening in the streets, America? islamophobia? Is that what you see happening at colleges, hundreds of them? From the top Ivy League Colleges on down, bottom up, middle out? Is that what you're seeing, Islamophobia?
Where's Islamophobia taking place? I'm very serious about this. If over 60 percent of religious hate crimes -- this comes from the FBI -- are committed against 2.4 percent of the population, the Jews, where's the Islamophobia? Here's my question. Here's my question, and I've raised this before. Why don't they tell us who's committing these hate crimes, these religious hate crimes against the Jews? Who are they? Evangelical Christians? No. Catholics? No. Mormons? No. Buddhists? No. Hindus? No. Well, who's doing it? They won't tell us. Why won't they tell us? And who is it that's committing all these acts of Islamophobia? And where are all these acts of Islamophobia? I'm not talking about one-off, craven and evil people. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about some systemic or ubiquitous Islamicophobic activity going on in America. I don't see it.
Islamophobia, America. Where? Where are these marches? Where are the people shouting at the top of their lungs to obliterate Muslims? Where are they? In LA? In New York? Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, where are they? They're nowhere. And where all these Islamophobic tenured professors, where are they? Which university? Which college? Which school? Signing a bunch of letters attacking Muslims, where are those letters? Where is that faculty? They're nowhere. They're nowhere. They don't exist. They're creating a false narrative in order to counter the level of poisonous, cancerous, putrid hatred against the Jews by Islamist organizations that are welcome in the Democrat Party.