Mark Levin: "If you're not a faithful Jew, if you don't really believe that and you just believe that it's an ethnicity, then you fit in very neatly with the left-wing Democrat Party" like Thomas Friedman, Bernie Sanders, and Antony Blinken.

From the November 27, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): When people say to me, why do Jews no matter what vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, it's the wrong question. 95 percent of Orthodox Jews voted for Trump. The real issue is the divide within the Jewish community, just as there is divide in the Catholic community and Protestant communities and so forth, but wanna address this as a Jew. Catholics can address it for themselves, Protestants for themselves, Muslims for themselves, but I'll address it my way.
You will not find -- let me put it to you this way, Judaism is both an ethnicity and a faith. But if you're not a faithful Jew, if you don't really believe that and you just believe that it's an ethnicity, then you fit in very neatly with the left-wing Democrat Party. Just as certain Catholics would, certain Protestants would, certain other people do.
And the reason is, If you don't get real faith out of Judaism, or real faith out of Catholicism, or real faith out of whatever it is, then the faith you hold is the faith in government -- that, is in the Democrat Party. And this is why Mises was talking about everybody talks like Marxists now. You listen to the left, whether they're Jews or otherwise, they all sound like Marxists.
And so, the secularization connect of the solely ethnic Jewish people, as opposed to the Jewish people who are recognize themselves as both an ethnicity and a faith has led to a great divide within the Jewish community. Which is why you have a guy like Thomas Friedman writing over here in the United States, in the New York Times, trashing Netanyahu and his unity government over and over and over again for the "right-wing extremist religious parties," quote, unquote. You'll get that from the Democrat Party. You'll get that from the American media. You'll get that from the Biden administration. These "extremist religious Jews," that's what they call them.
There's never an extremist Marxist, whether they're Americans, whatever their faith no. No. No. And here's the piece in Axios by Andrew Solender, little over a week ago, "Scoop, Jewish Democrats lead push for Gaza fuel shipments." Now why would Jewish Democrats be leading the fuel -- the push for fuel for shipments to Gaza? Because they're Democrats.
Regardless of how they were born, regardless of their ethnicity. This is why Thomas Friedman despises Israel, unless Israel does what he demands that Israel does. Same with Antony Blinken. I'm trying to explain this to the broader audience here. Says dozens of House Democrats led by their Jewish colleagues are calling for the Biden administration to press Israel to allow fuel shipments to Gaza, Axios has learned. Specifically, you're talking about this Marxist Jamie Raskin, whose dad was a big time Marxist. Susan Wilde, Democrat, Pennsylvania and Jan Schakowsky, another Marxist, out of Illinois, and it goes on.
"Mark, so why do Jewish" -- I told you why. Because they're born Jews, and maybe they'll show up at the high holidays, and maybe, you know, they'll know a few prayers, but it's -- it's not part of their being. That is, the faith is not part of their being. How do I know this? Because I was raised as a reformed Jew. I know what I'm talking about. I know what I'm talking about. And most of those reporting in the media who get very, very angry with me are of this mentality and this background. This is who they are. This is who they are.
They are self-hating, and really, what they're pushing is the Democrat Party agenda. Whatever Biden says, whatever Biden wants, whatever Blinken says, whatever Blinken wants, Thomas Friedman and all that, that's what they're promoting. So, it's not a big deal to use Hamas statistics. So what? What's the big deal?
And that's why you have this moral equivalency. When you abandon your faith, when you abandon morality, things as simple as the Ten Commandments or the Torah, or for other faiths, whatever it is, then you're nothing more than a political apparatchik. That's it.
It's got different levels, it's a bit complicated that you see playing out with Israel here, with Blinken and Thomas Friedman, the hate for Netanyahu. Why they joined forces with Ehud Barak, a radical left-wing former and failed prime minister. Or the new Ehud Barak, Lapid. You see that too.
And Bernie Sanders, I saw one report -- I think it was Friday -- by one reporter who said that Bernie Sanders says aid to Israel must be conditioned now. They can't just get a blank check, we got to condition aid to Israel. And the reporter said, "a Jewish member of the Senate." Bernie Sanders despises Orthodox Jews. Despises them. He's a Marxist. He's a Marxist. It's why the commingling of Hamas and Palestine, Palestinians.