Mark Levin: The American media "is sympathetic to the enemy ... over and over and over again we get the line about civilian casualties."

From the October 12, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Qatar and the Hamas Nazi leadership, they haven't asked Egypt to stop blocking the passway out of the Gaza Strip and back into Egypt. Egypt could house hundreds of thousands of Gaza Palestinians right there in the Sinai Peninsula. The Israelis gave it back to them. Where would they stay? Where would they live? The international community, I have no doubt -- If Egypt agreed to this, the Arab Countries agreed to this, would assist with temporary housing and food and so forth.
But here's the problem. This would mean that the Arab world actually wants to help these people, rather than to use the propaganda to attempt to turn Israelis into oppressors. It's also noteworthy that the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, ABC, and CBS have ignored this completely. Completely. In fact, at the press conferences they don't even ask the press secretary, whether it's Kirby, or what's her face, what about the leaders of these Arab countries around the world? What about Egypt blocking the pathway there? They don't even report it. Yet, because the Arabs will not provide refuge to the Gaza Palestinians, and because the Qatar-funding terrorist regime, with Iran-funding Hamas terrorists wage war against Israel, and Israel must now lose lord knows how many soldiers in urban warfare in Gaza, the American media -- the American media will protect and use the propaganda because it's not a free press. Because it is sympathetic to the enemy.
And our American media and the European media will report numbers. Israel will be told its response to the Hamas Nazis is disproportionate. And Blinken will continue to lecture Israel about the rules of war when fighting terrorists, who, by the way, don't follow any rules of war. Egypt refuses to open the Rafah Pass to allow the civilian population to leave. Not the Biden administration, not congressional Republicans for with a few rare and outstanding exceptions, not our media are focusing on our pressuring Egypt.
Instead, over and over and over again we get the line about civilian casualties. I saw it today on cable TV, CBS, MSNBC, and so forth and so on, talking about the casualties already. In fact, CBS interviewed a Gaza Palestinian. They have no idea if this is a civilian or a terrorist because now the terrorists in Gaza are changing from their uniforms to civilian uniforms. That is, civilian clothing. And much of the leadership isn't even in Gaza. They're in Qatar. Other members of the leadership are in Turkey, a NATO Country, Turkey.