From the March 21, 2024, edition of Fox News' Fox and Friends
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): So, I was just fascinated because I was just flipping around to see how many people are going to cover what. And Tony Bobulinski laid out all the meetings he had, all the interactions he had with the Biden family, the different countries they are involved in, the meetings he had with Joe Biden. The role that Joe Biden played. The text message that he had. He laid it out. And so did this Jason Galanis, who is spending the next 14 years in prison for illegal business transactions which aren't important but he's coming to you from prison. Found out later they got the paperwork in time they could have got him actually to testify. But, if you just look at Nancy mace and Bobulinski, if you want a short course on what happened over the course of four hours. Nancy Mace had the questions and had him answer head-to-head, back-to-back, back-to-back. But they don't want to talk about that. The whole thing is this thing is over, this thing is done. You had a guy shoulder to shoulder with all these guys, and their big comeback was Lev Parnas. Lev Parnas went to jail for lying and is talking about Ukraine. That was the impeachment. Rudy Giuliani. Whatever you think, it has nothing to do with this. And it turns out Bobulinski had nothing to do with Ukraine. So, their head fake was Lev Parnas. Bobulinski was the guy they had to defame. The problem is they can't. He is smarter. His resume is better. He is more successful in business. And, get, this ladies and gentlemen, he was actually there. It's very important for you to read what he said because no read what he said because no other network outside of ours would play it. And they wouldn't carry it. Unless you had C-SPAN 3.