From the May 8, 2024, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports
GREG KELLY (HOST): The Boy Scouts. I was a Boy Scout, great organization. I learned to water ski. I learned to make a life preserver out of my shirt. Just great, great stuff. Great times. A radical change coming to the Boy Scouts, pretty soon it will no longer be the Boy Scouts. Check out this guy. I think he's the Scoutmaster General or the CEO, actually. They have a CEO of the Boy Scouts.
They're going to call it scouting America. They've actually been allowing girls to join the Boy Scouts since 2018. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. Look I'm not totally up to speed on this. You know, I was in the boy scouts so long time ago. They've been evolving and doing some weird stuff over the past couple of years. Tony, tell us what we need to know. What's going on here, and is it troublesome?
TONY PERKINS (GUEST): The standards are being lowered, and that's what we're seeing in Boy Scouts. It's not going to be the same standards, the same rigorous standards that helped boys make that transition into manhood. Greg, what's going to happen today? You know, we have -- the Boy Scouts were filling a huge need when we had so many fatherless boys, many of them in the inner city, and the Boy Scouts were doing a tremendous job of coming alongside those boys. Of course, then, as I said, they lost their moral compass. We had the sex scandals in there, then in 2013 they began to open the ranks up to openly homosexual boys in leaders, and so here's where we are today. No longer Boy Scouts. Anybody who wants to come in can be their authentic self? Come on. What does that mean?
KELLY: And take a look at some of the famous boy scouts. Buzz Aldrin. I didn't know he was a Boy Scout. Michael Jordan, John Wayne, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Bill Gates, you and me.
PERKINS: Several members of Congress, Eagle Scouts. They they have had a distinguished -- they settle -- they have a legacy, but they've lost it all in what they've gone -- as they have yielded to the woke crowd, and they have compromised on their moral core.
KELLY: So strange, and so heartbreaking.