During the October 12 episode of The Michael Berry Show, Houston based radio host Michael Berry continued his recurring segment mocking gun violence in Chicago.
Referring to Chicago as “Thuglandia,” Berry said one of the victims, who was 15, was found shot behind his home “bleeding his life away into the dirt.” Berry described another victim who was shot in a car as having “bled out all over the upholstery...like that scene in Pulp Fiction.”
Berry said the “one thing you should learn from all of this is that black lives matter, just not to black people.”
Berry's reoccurring segment on Chicago violence, which he refers to as the “butcher bill,” often mocks innocent victims of gun violence as well as gang related shooting victims. The Chicago segment and other race based segments represent a small portion of the inflammatory rhetoric appearing on the Michael Berry Show, which also includes appearances from a black face comedian, as well as homophobic and islamaphobic commentary.