The Daily Wire's Michael Knowles: “Not only can we stop people from being transgender, nobody can be transgender”
Knowles: “There is, of course, no such thing as the trans community, ultimately, because the anthropology of transgenderism is false. So, the very notion of the trans community is a deception.”
From the March 15, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): I don't have negative feelings toward the trans community. I have only positive feelings toward the trans community, such as it is. There is, of course, no such thing as the trans community, ultimately, because the anthropology of transgenderism is false. So, the very notion of the trans community is a deception. There are people who are troubled and who -- I think even the most pro-transgenderism person out there will admit something's a little bit off, right? If you're a man and you're very anxious and upset because you think that you're a woman. And so what I would endeavor to do is to help those people to overcome their delusions. And what the pro-transgenderism people want to do is to affirm them in their delusions. So, who is more helpful to the transgender community? Who would seem to have more positive feelings for the transgender community? I think it's pretty clear.
Not only can we stop people from being transgender, nobody can be transgender because it's not a real category of being. It's not a real thing. That's what the debate's over. So are you saying we can't stop people from being confused? Well, we can discourage people from being confused. Just as now our system of education and conversion therapy tries to convince confused children that they really are the opposite sex, so too we could return to a system of proper education and psychological therapy and spiritual formation that gives you a correct metaphysics which tells you that, actually, boys are boys and girls are girls. And you can't change because your gender is an inseparable accident of the individual present as long as the individual exists. That's what I would do. So -- and you can do that. And even for the people who insist upon this delusion, you can tell them, as we did until just a few years ago, well, okay, you might be deluded in your own mind, sir, but you're not allowed to use the women's bathroom or play on the women's sports team or take women's jobs or any of the rest of it.
You're seeing an explosion in the rate of transgender identification, an absolute explosion of it, to the point that now one in five Zoomers identifies as LGBT. You're seeing an explosion, especially among young people. So you can't say, if you return to policies from before 2015, that's not going to change the number of transgender identifying people. Of course it will. Of course it will. That's just how government -- that's how law and culture and custom works, is when you incentivize certain behaviors, you get more of that behavior. When you disincentivize certain behavior, you get less of it. When you teach and encourage certain ideas, you get a spreading of those ideas. When you teach truth that contradicts bad ideas, you get less of the bad ideas. That's just how it works.