Daily Wire's Michael Knowles praises monarchism
Knowles: “There have been many monarchies throughout history that are much more free, that are much better at protecting people's rights than our supposed democracy right now”
From the August 25, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): Think about what he said there. Even just at the end, when he said, I think we should make Trump king. And the woman laughs and she says, isn't that kind of communistic? And all of a sudden the joke, kind of, stops and he looks at her and he says, wait, what? It's not -- is -- being a king is communistic? Do you not know anything about regime and political philosophy? Who on earth would say that monarchy is communistic? Good grief, lady. Not everything that isn't 1982-style liberalism is communist. Good grief. No. What does he say? He says, no, it's not -- monarchies have existed for all of human history, communism has been around for about 200 years. No, there are some differences. Communists tend to subvert monarchies, too, by the way. Or you know how the communists have overthrown a number of monarchies or attempted to overthrow a number of monarchies? The Bolsheviks -- I don't think that the monarch of Russia, I don't think Tsar Nicholas said, oh, wonderful. My fellow communists, come in and kill my family. What are you talking about? He says, no -- he says, it's not communistic. We'll still have our freedoms and our rights. He'll just be the king. And he's joking, obviously, but he's not joking about monarchy.
There have been many monarchies throughout history that are much more free and are much better at protecting people's rights than supposed democracies. There have been many monarchies throughout history that are much more free, that are much better at protecting people's rights than our supposed democracy right now. Here's exhibit A, they're arresting all the dissidents and the lawyers simply for representing the opposition leader who they're arresting too. So preposterous. There's a very shallow liberal view that the only kind of regime that could ever possibly be good or legitimate is democracy in the year of our Lord 2023. Because a lot of these people will say, oh, even democracy 20 years ago was evil, it was oppressive. We didn't have all sorts of rainbow flags everywhere. It was awful. Give me a break. Going back to Polybius, we know there are good monarchies. The bad version of monarchy is tyranny, but that's just where the -- the one man ruling is ruling for himself rather than the common good. There are good aristocracies. There are bad versions, it's called oligarchy. And there have been perfectly lovely democracies, but there's a bad version called mob rule. Where are we right now?