The Daily Wire's Michael Knowles warns of “hypnosis pornography” that will lead to "transgenderism”
From the April 27, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): And Genevieve can shed some light on this phenomenon that -- frankly, as I've said on the show, I don't even want to look into because I have been told and then I've read on different fora that talk about this phenomenon that there is a kind of pornography that is, apparently, a driver of the transgender identity that is so perverse that it constitutes a kind of hypnosis where men will say, I was a normal guy, I lived to be 41, 42, and I was basically normal. But then I fell into this kind of pornography and it essentially melted my brain. I had a nervous breakdown. Now I think that I'm a woman. So, rather than have to expose myself to that and then, you know, I have to go to confession, potentially my brain gets melted, I can just talk to Genevieve about it. Genevieve, thank you for coming on the show.
GENEVIEVE GLUCK (GUEST): Thank you so much for having me on the show.
KNOWLES: So, there's a lot I want to talk about with you. We don't have nearly enough time, so maybe we'll just have to have you back and talk about it at greater length. But can you just give, not only the audience, but me a rundown -- what is, among all of the types of pornography that lead to transgenderism, what is this hypnosis pornography?
GLUCK: Well, you touched on a good point there. There are many types of pornography that are, sort of, involved with the transgender movement. But hypnosis pornography is a little bit different in that it incorporates your lifestyle. So, typically when we think of pornography, we think of it as something that is passive that you're, sort of, watching. But this type, it asks you to, sort of, change your behavior, change the way you dress, even to start taking hormones. And it's sometimes called sissy hypno. So, that's short for sissification hypnosis pornography. And, you know, I myself, I have personally been somewhat mocked for the suggestion that this is having a powerful impact on men. However, trans activists themselves will say things like it influenced them.