Michael Knowles: “The conservative argument on abortion, the conservative desire, the conservative goal is not merely to leave the issue to the states”
Knowles: “We had to get Roe v. Wade overruled because it created a ridiculous, unconstitutional license to abortion. But now we need to ban it.”
From the November 9, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): The kernel of truth is that the conservative argument on abortion, the conservative desire, the conservative goal is not merely to leave the issue to the states. A lot of conservatives said it for many, many years. We just want to overrule Roe v. Wade so that we can restore our democracy and return the matter of whether or not we should sacrifice our children to Moloch to the states where the matter belongs. Yes, that's right. Look, some states are going to protect their innocent little babies. And some states are going to sacrifice them to Moloch in the most gruesome and painful ways. And look, whatever you choose is totally fine. We just support choice and freedom and freedom of choice and choice of freedom and states and democracy. When procedure -- all we really care about is procedure. We don't care about the substance at all. Keep your baby. Kill your baby. We don't care. We just want you to have the choice. No. No. That is not my understanding of what a conservative believes about the protection of innocent life.
We had to get Roe v. Wade overruled because it created a ridiculous, unconstitutional license to abortion. But now we need to ban it. We just gotta ban it, man. It's really bad. It's bad to kill kids. And it doesn't help anybody. And it hurts a lot of people. Doesn't help the mothers who are exploited by the abortion industry. It leaves them with trauma for the rest of their lives, rightly so because they killed their kids. And you can move past trauma and you can be forgiven and receive absolution, but it -- the psychological effect of that sticks with people for a long time. It doesn't help even the abortionists who enrich themselves by slaughtering babies. It -- maybe it pads their bank accounts with blood money but it doesn't help their souls, and it leads them on the path to hell. And it leads our country on the path to hell, terrestrial and even after we all shake off this mortal coil. Doesn't help any -- doesn't help our nation, even just as a matter of national strength. Even if all you care about is GDP, slaughtering a generation of people is not gonna help you grow GDP. It's not gonna help you grow social solidarity. It's not going to help you love your neighbor and come together and be united. It's just awful everywhere. It's just intrinsically extremely evil. And so, that's the argument. The argument is stop killing innocent babies. That's the whole argument.