Michael Knowles: “I think divorce should basically be outlawed”
From the March 28, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): You know, everyone always wants to get into all the little gossip of the right-wing personalities and things. They've -- I'm not saying that you want to do that, but a lot -- like, on Twitter and even when you do interviews, Piers Morgan was trying to do this to Ben the other day. I couldn't -- I could not possibly care less about the details of Steven Crowder's divorce. I couldn't -- it is -- I care about divorce as a political fact. I think divorce should basically be outlawed, or it should be at least greatly restricted. I care about divorce in the sense that it's a public matter. But the little gossip, the details, you know, oh, so and -- such and such happened at this company, or, so and so said this about so and so. And, oh, did you -- I couldn't possibly -- of all -- of the top ten millions things that I care about, I would say that one ranks in the lowest quintile for sure.