Newsmax guest calls on Trump to deport imams and shut down mosques
Michael Savage: “Trump needs to not only reinstate the travel ban from these Muslim dominated nations, but he must deport all radical imams in this nation before it's too late. He must also close all radical mosques in this nation.”
From the January 1, 2025, edition of Newsmax's Rob Schmitt Tonight
MICHAEL SAVAGE (GUEST): For thirty years I've been writing about the threat of Islamic fascism, Islamo fascism. I want the people to get it through their thick heads. Right as we speak in Manhattan, as we speak, there's a pro-Palestinian rally in the streets of New York demanding global intifada right after these two terrorist attacks by Muslims. So why do we have to sit here and wring our hands and say, oh, we don't know what the motives are? What do you mean you don't know what the motives are? This motive has been the same for two thousand years, which is kill the infidel.
So I've been doing this for thirty years. Trump tried to stop this when he was president of 2016 and again in 2020. In 2016, he put in a mild — excuse me, ban of travelers from certain Muslim-dominated nations that were known to harbor terrorists. The left-wing in this country, the psychotic, suicidal left-wing, called him every name under the sun. Racist, Islamo-this, Islamo-that, immigration advocates who are nothing but gangsters as far as I'm concerned. So they said it discriminated against Muslims. That was the travel ban by Trump in 2016. And then he added, after Yemen, Syria, Iran, Libya and Somalia, where he put in restrictions on travelers from those countries, Trump added six additional countries — Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sudan and Tanzania because, he said they failed to meet US security and information sharing standards. Again, the ACLU — a stealth terrorist front group in this country as sure as I'm sitting here — the National Lawyers Guild — I have a list of every one of these left-wing groups. They're all psychotic lawyers, almost all of them. And every time a government tries to stop themselves from being killed, they scream racism, fascism, you name it. It's time to stand up to this global intifada before we are all subjected to them, one way or the other.
And I want to finish with one thing. Todd, I know you're busy. Not only the pro-Palestinian rally in Manhattan in front of our eyes after these terrorist attacks, but out of England, they found women, young girls who were taken into these grooming sessions by Muslim gangs. And when fathers found their girls in England and tried to rescue their daughters, the police in England rescued — arrested the fathers for trying to rescue their daughters. That's how far England has fallen, and that's what's going to happen in this country unless Trump cracks down before he even gets into office, Todd. And that's just the beginning of what I have to say.
TODD STARNES (GUEST HOST): Yeah, look, look — and you've been catching hell for this. You've been speaking the truth here. They're trying to kill the Jews. They're trying to kill the Christians. They want to throw the LGBTQ community off the rooftops. These are very bad people we're talking about. And this coddling is what concerns me. Dr. Savage, just a few moments ago, Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana was asked a question, said, should we be concerned about attacks in other American cities? And his response was chilling to me. He said that he could answer that question, but he is not going to answer that question —
SAVAGE: Of course. He's great. I love Kennedy.
STARNES: What does that mean?
SAVAGE: It means they know that there are other attacks coming just before Trump is inaugurated. We knew this is — we know this is orchestrated by within this country itself. We know by what we heard from the dummy at the FBI this morning saying it's not a terror attack. We know all of it. Trump needs to not only reinstate the travel ban from these Muslim dominated nations, but he must deport all radical imams in this nation before it's too late. He must also close all radical mosques in this nation before they preach more hatred and convert more young idiots into killers. There's a lot that must be done. Trump knows it. I only wish to God he would listen to some of the things I had to say because I wrote the book on this. I wrote it 25 years ago. And the fact is, unfortunately, I wasn't wrong, Todd.