Savage claimed Dem win in midterms “could lead to the breakup of the United States of America”


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On the October 13 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, The Savage Nation, Michael Savage claimed that a victory by the Democratic Party in the November midterm elections “could lead to the breakup of the United States of America, the way the Soviet Union broke up.” Savage warned of the threat of Democrats regaining control of Congress while discussing the threat of immigration to the makeup of the United States, asserting that there is only “a melting pot possibility” for immigrants from Europe and that "[w]hen you start bringing in masses of immigrants from everywhere on Earth, you don't have a melting pot; they cannot be melted into an American, and that's what's going on in the country today." Savage added, “Democrats want people to vote that aren't even citizens, because they're not counting on an America that speaks English in the near future.”

Later in the broadcast, while discussing California Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Savage stated: “California, unfortunately, is in the hands of the far-left homosexual mafia. They unfortunately don't even understand what's good for them.” Savage added that “if the gay community ever understood what was in their interest, they'd become conservatives,” but “they are also very confused, as anyone could figure out by their death-style.” As Media Matters for America has documented (here, here, and here), Savage has previously referred to “the homosexual mafia” and “the homosexual death-style.”

According to Talkers magazine, The Savage Nation reaches more than 8 million listeners a week, making it the talk radio show with the third largest U.S. audience, behind only The Rush Limbaugh Show and the Sean Hannity Show.

From the October 13 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: The difference, of course, is that -- and this is a huge difference, and it's hard for me to not explain it to you, but I'm sure you figured it out by now -- is that when you bring immigrants in from Europe -- whether they be Irish, whether they be Italian, whether they be English, whether they be Romanian, whether they be Czechoslovakian, whether they be Italian, whether they be Yugoslavian, whether they be German -- they're from Europe, and there is a melting pot possibility.

When you start bringing in masses of immigrants from everywhere on Earth, you don't have a melting pot; they cannot be melted into an American, and that's what's going on in the country today. We're bringing in millions of people from countries that have no compatibility with the values of Europe, not any values whatsoever. And I will argue with you as long as you want on this, if you want. There was no history of the liberation of people in China for example, to choose one nation, there was no Magna Carta, there was no evolution. There's been no Middle Ages for the Muslims coming into America.

It's insanity to be bringing in millions of people who have no Middle Ages yet, they haven't even gone through the Middle Ages. They're never going to be compatible with America. They're never going to assimilate. This is the biggest disaster in the history of this country, is to say that all people from around the world are the same; ipso facto, bring in anybody and they're all going to become an American within two generations. That's absurd. But they know that. They don't want them to become assimilated. What they want is a balkanization of America where one group is pitted against another perennially. And the ruling class also wants an illiterate America who does not fully understand what they're doing to this country. That's why they are bringing people that will never assimilate. They don't even require that they speak English.

That's why the Democrats want people to be able to vote without any ID whatsoever. That's why the Democrats want people to vote who aren't even citizens, because they're not counting on an America that speaks English in the near future. They're not counting on an America that has a citizenship requirement in the near future. My fear is that if the Democrats win, and I'm afraid that they might, you're going to see America melt down faster that you could ever imagine.

It will happen overnight, and it could lead to the breakup of the United States of America, the way the Soviet Union broke up. Because I want to remind you that if I had asked anyone listening to this show -- whether in 1980 they could've ever believed the ex-Soviet Union could have ever broken up into parts, you would've said impossible. Too powerful, too centrally controlled -- it'll never happen. This country could wind up breaking up if the Democrats take over this country and start hammering the American middle class. The country could break up at the foreparts. I'm absolutely positive this could happen.


SAVAGE: Well, Dianne Feinstein is an icon here in the Sick Bay area. They have no idea what her policies are, because she's a mystery woman. Dianne Feinstein is a mystery woman, and nobody knows what she stands for. Barbara Boxer is not a mystery woman. She stands for anything that the socialist party would stand for. Barbara Boxer is a dyed-in-the-wool, 1930s Wobbly from New York. California, unfortunately, is in the hands of the far-left homosexual mafia. They unfortunately don't even understand what's good for them. They don't understand that voting on the left side of everything is actually in their disinterest, not in their interest -- that if they gay community ever understood what's in their interest they'd become conservatives, by and large. But they are also very confused, as anyone could figure out by their death-style.


SAVAGE: But the homosexuals don't simply go to bars and have sex with each other. They are amongst the most politically active groups, if not the most politically active group or subgroup, in the population. They are extremely militant in their demands. They are extremely demanding as the school -- that the school curriculums change. They are extremely demanding in their attacks on the church. I mean, let's not turn this into something that it isn't. Now, you got people in the church who are standing up and saying, “Hell, no, we won't go.”