Mike Lindell and Wisconsin radio host Vicki McKenna rail against Sean Hannity and Fox News for not supporting Lindell
McKenna: “The nickname is Conservative Inc., they want nothing to do with Mike Lindell. Just keep your arms distanced from Mike Lindell. Mike Lindell's crazy.”
Mike Lindell and Wisconsin radio host Vicki McKenna rail against Sean Hannity and Fox News for not supporting Lindell

From the July 17, 2024, edition of 1310 WIBA's The Vicki McKenna Show
MIKE LINDELL (GUEST): Well, you get up to the 2020 election and in November and December of 2020, we all know this, all these deviations. And I dug in, I took calculus in ninth grade and I look every day. If a show does good or bad, you find out why. It had to happen. It had to be a different input. So I got, when I started looking around, I’m going and checking and all these counties and states, right here in Wisconsin was a lot of them I checked. And I’m going, wait a minute, people voted that didn’t live there, which is illegal. And I could not imagine five thousand people from Minnesota going, hey let’s go vote for Biden, who wants to go into Wisconsin, right?
LINDELL: And jump in there. People are generally good people. And so it didn’t, I couldn’t explain it. Well, then on January 9th of 2021, I was handed evidence that showed it was done with computers. And that was like, ah ha, of course, it was, because you couldn’t, this couldn’t happen this way without that. And I started sounding the alarm, and then, of course, I was canceled deep, you know, by Fox —
VICKI MCKENNA (HOST): Oh, by Conservative Inc., too. Conservative, you know, the nickname is Conservative Inc., they want nothing to do with Mike Lindell.
LINDELL: Absolutely.
MCKENNA: Just keep your arms distanced from Mike Lindell. Mike Lindell's crazy.
LINDELL: Yeah, that's exactly right, and you know, when that happened, I didn't change. It was just that I'm going hey, I'm sounding this alarm.
LINDELL: And on February 4th of 2021, Smartmatic sued Fox News. That started lawfare nobody had even heard about since 1792. When they did that, all of our conservative media that we trusted — Fox, Newsmax, Salem Media — nobody from that point on has ever been able to go on there and talk about even things that happened, like in Wisconsin, like the nursing homes or whatever.
LINDELL: That’s just news, that’s real, that's fact. They couldn’t report that because there was like, silence. And I even said to some of them hosts, I won't name names. One of them rhymes with Sean Hannity.
So — but, in the summer of '21, he's sitting there telling me that, hey, you better quiet, just stop talking about these elections, they're gonna kill you. And I'm going, I go, Sean, you know this is true. I'm never gonna stop talking. I say, you guys should be sounding the alarm. And he said, he goes, Mike, he goes, I said, you're gonna cause more damage by not reporting stuff than all the left media put together, which I embrace because by attacking me, I got to sound the alarm through them attacking me.
There'd be no other way to get the word out. And he said, well, would it be better if we weren't here at all? I go, absolutely. Because now you become weather channels that don't report hurricanes or tornadoes.
MCKENNA: Amen. You know what? And that — that's — they could have helped you personally too. You were their friend, right? And instead of helping you as the attacks come on your company, on you personally, as you get, you have the police come at you while you're in a drive-thru.
LINDELL: Yeah, take my phone. That was the FBI.
MCKENNA: Instead of just defending and saying, from the slander, their silence was an endorsement of the slander. And that's, I mean, they're not, you know they're not your friends. But, you have a lot, I'm running out of time in this segment. You have so many people in Wisconsin who love you, who are grateful for what you did in the two recall efforts.