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Project 2025 author and JD Vance debate prep partner Monica Crowley's extreme history on abortion

Crowley has lamented that "unfortunately" abortion was still legal after Roe v. Wade was overturned, and described Roe as “a constitutional, legal, and moral abomination.”

Ahead of the October 1 vice presidential debate, Trump running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) has enlisted Project 2025 contributor and former Trump Treasury official Monica Crowley to help with debate prep. 

Crowley, a former Fox contributor, made a name for herself via serial plagiarism and pushing conspiracy theories about former President Barack Obama’s heritage. 

In addition to their mutual connection to Project 2025, Vance and Crowley also share extremist anti-abortion views.

  • A brief history of Monica Crowley’s anti-abortion extremism

    • Crowley criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for visiting a Planned Parenthood clinic: “That’s not the kind of history you want to make.” Crowley also claimed that Democrats support “abortions up to the moment that that baby is delivered” and instructed Republican candidates to “talk about it [abortion] in the context of being pro-baby, pro-woman, and pro-family.” [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 3/16/24

    • Crowley said after Roe v. Wade was overturned, the “lunatic left” looked “like they are demonically possessed.” She added, “Hell is seething right now. The enemy is really seething right now, because there’s going to be some killing of the babies in America, in places like New York and California, but as a nationwide law, as the law of the land, Roe v. Wade is gone. So the killing of the babies is going to be more difficult, not impossible, but difficult. And, so, Hell is burning even brighter, more on fire, the heat is coming even more. But these people, their faces are contorted, they’ve got the demonic eyes, and in some cases the demonic voices come out.” [Bahakel Entertainment, The Monica Crowley Podcast, 6/27/22]  

    • The day Roe was overturned, Crowley posted, “The Left is a death cult.” [Twitter/X, 6/24/22]

    • On Fox News, Crowley called the left a “death cult” and chastised pro-choice protesters. She continued, “When there is an obstacle placed in their path like a Roe v. Wade reversal, they go absolutely bananas, and they do it publicly, right, because the whole purpose is to tear down the Constitution and all of our institutions.” Crowley also said that the Supreme Court decision solidified Trump’s “legacy of life.” [Fox News, The Ingraham Angle, 6/24/22]

    • Crowley complained that the decision overturning Roe v. Wade “does not mean that abortion is illegal in the United States of America, unfortunately.” Crowley mocked Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) for discussing making California an abortion sanctuary: “Like, you come to California for your abortion and, you know, you get a mud mask and a mani-pedi at the same time.” [Bahakel Entertainment, The Monica Crowley Podcast, 6/24/22

    • Crowley posted: “When the conversation is about guns, they pretend to care about ‘the children’. When the conversation is about abortion, they can’t kill ‘the children’ fast enough. Evil 24/7.” [Twitter/X, 5/30/22]

    • Crowley complained about “woke corporations” pledging to pay for employees’ abortions: “This is all about pro-abortion. This is not pro-choice.” Crowley then speculated that the companies were doing this “to avoid paying for maternity leave.” [Fox News, Jesse Watters Primetime, 5/6/22

    • While interviewing far-right Christian radio personality Eric Metaxas, Crowley celebrated that Roe might be overturned and hoped that “this could finally be the end, if not of abortion in America, then at least as the law of the land.” Crowley falsely added, “We now have some states where abortion is allowed up until the moment of birth. … This whole thing is pure evil. … Everywhere we look, and certainly this issue, evil looks like it's ascendant and that evil is astride the world.” [Bahakel Entertainment, The Monica Crowley Podcast, 5/6/22; PolitiFact, 7/21/23

    • When the decision to overturn Roe was leaked, Crowley described Roe as “a constitutional, legal, and moral abomination.” She then downplayed the impact overturning Roe would have, arguing, “Everybody now knows this doesn't make abortion illegal in the country. … And, you know, for all of these people, like, ‘Oh, such an inconvenience for a woman to have to get in a car or on a bus or on a train and go to a neighboring state that does allow abortion,’ these are the same people who are OK with the Biden administration moving illegal immigrants from the border areas to all over the country, by car, by plane, by train, you name it. …. And that’s not an inconvenience to the illegal alien.” [Bahakel Entertainment, The Monica Crowley Podcast, 5/4/22

    • Crowley called Trump’s 2018 proposal to cut off Title X funding for Planned Parenthood a “straight up no-brainer” and claimed outrage over the proposal was a “scare tactic.” She mused, “What is the point of having a Republican president and Republican control of the Congress if they cannot or will not defund Planned Parenthood?” [Fox News, The Ingraham Angle, 5/2/18]

    • Crowley downplayed the consequences of the 2013 Texas anti-abortion bill that, if not struck down by the Supreme Court, would have shuttered most abortion-providing facilities in the state. She said reproductive health advocates “always try to go right to hyperbole -- that women are going to have to flee to Tijuana because they're not going to have access in Texas to abortion. It's all ridiculous.” [Media Matters, 6/26/13]