Morning Joe Panel Slams Rudy Giuliani’s Characterization Of Black Lives Matter 

Harold Ford Jr.: “I Find It Difficult … To Listen To Someone Who Languishes In And Pedals Hate And Violence”

From the July 11 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe

JOE SCARBOROUGH (CO-HOST): Here’s Rudy Giuliani.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI (CO-HOST): Yeah, he weighed in on the Black Lives Matter movement in connection to the Dallas police murders. Take a listen.


JOHN DICKERSON (HOST): You said that the Black Lives Matter movement has put a target on the back of police officers when members of the African-American community see videos as they have this week, they feel like there is a target on young, black men. Explain your response about how they put a target on police officers,how that can match up when people see these videos. 

RUDY GIULIANI: Well when they talk about killing police officers.

DICKERSON: But, they don't.

GIULIANI: They sure do.They sing rap songs about killing police officers and they talk about killing police officers and they yell it out at their rallies and the police officers -- 

DICKERSON: But, Mr. Mayor, what the reality is---

GIULIANI: Please, please, let me finish. And when you say “black lives matter,” that's inherently racist. 

DICKERSON: Well I think --

GIULIANI: Black lives matter, white lives matter, Asian lives matter. Hispanic lives matter. That's anti-American and it's racist. Of course black lives matter and they matter greatly. But when you focus in on 1 percent of less than 1 percent of the murder that's going on in America and you make it a national thing and all of you in the media make it much bigger than the black kid who's getting killed in Chicago every 14 hours, you create a disproportion. 


SCARBOROUGH: Harold Ford, what's your reaction? 

HAROLD FORD JR.:He conflates a lot of things. I find it difficult at a moment when the country is uniting and trying to come up with serious and real answers to listen to someone who languishes in and pedals hate and violence and kind of silliness. Some of the points he raised about the crime issues and communities across the country are real. But to suggest that when young black men call police, call law enforcement to be of help of assistance and there’s concern that the law enforcement may not show up or may show up and treat them unfairly, I think it’s something you have to address. And we have evidence, piece of evidence after piece of evidence police officers engaging in unlawful conduct against black men. So, look, Rudy Giuliani has his own political agenda he’s promoting. I hope we don't get distracted by that nonsense and we actually deal with the things we’ve been talking about here.

BRZEZINSKI:I don't understand what he said, honestly. 

AL SHARPTON: I think he should talk to Newt Gingrich. I mean, even Newt Gingrich, who I disagree with on most stuff, said that living in America black is much different. So, I don't even want to get into the Rudy Giuliani argument. I did a piece on him in today's [New York] Daily News. I think that what we’ve got to deal with is to say that a rap song who says something, or somebody at a rally represents a broader movement is absurd and on his face.

BRZEZINSKI: That’s racist.

SHARPTON: Let's look at the statement about saying the slogan, black lives matter is racist. Then are we saying that National Organization for Women is anti-man?


SHARPTON: Or United Jewish Appeal is racist? I mean, what are you talking about? People raise all the time the concerns of people that have been neglected or treated differently. And I think there’s nothing anti-anybody else about trying to make sure you are no longer victimized by being treated and marginalized in an anti-youth kind of way.


EDDIE GLAUDE JR.: So this angers me and it angers for a number of reasons, first, because he's engaging in bad faith. We know the facts are clear. The Center for Policing Equity has already put out, just recently put out a major study that was covered in The New York Times July 7 showing that there’sno correlation between black-on-black crime and police violence. There’s no correlation between those two, right. So,the idea, in the midst of the death of Sterling and the midst of the death of Castile to bring up the issue of crime in Chicago, as if it has any bearing on those actions is an act of bad faith. That's the first thing. The second thing, right, Blue Lives Matter, I suppose, isn't narrow. But Black Lives Matter is. That makes no sense to me. So, part of what we have to deal with is this. In the midst of this particular conversation, this goes to the question of whether or not we're more divided than we are. There are people who hold positions, assumptions about who black people are and those assumptions are driving policy, are driving perceptions and they’re driving judgments about what motivates these actions.


On Fox, Rudy Giuliani Doubles Down On Claim That Black Lives Matter Is “Inherently Racist”

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