IMUS: Bill Clinton is on the set with us. Always nice to have you. What would you be talking about?
BILL CLINTON IMPERSONATOR: Oh, I just have a couple of observations about our president.
IMUS: How's Satan doing? Your wife.
CLINTON IMPERSONATOR: Oh, she's fine. Bitch.
IMUS: Who's gonna be the next president?
ALTER: Oh, I don't know, I don't know, Don. I mean, I could -- you know, I have been, uh, sort of, uh, alone in saying -- or not alone, but don't have a lot of company in saying that I don't think it's gonna be, that Hillary Clinton is even going to get the nomination. I mean, I just think that she's got, you know, more baggage than Paris Hilton on the Riviera. It's just not gonna happen for her in my view. But I could be wrong, and she could rally. I think the idea of calling her the front-runner is silly at this point. Um --
IMUS: Somebody told me they thought --
ALTER: McCain, and Governor Romney, I'd look closely at him, he's gonna run a very interesting campaign.
IMUS: Somebody told me they thought Rudy [Giuliani] had a shot.
ALTER: He does. He has a shot. I, uh, his problem is that -- even though, right now, he's scoring very well around the country and in a lot of conservative areas -- the question is how many Republican primary voters know all the details of his position on things like uh, guns, uh, God, and gays. The three issues that they use to clobber Democrats. You know, he's a strong supporter of gay rights, and of course on abortion. It's been a quite a while since they've nominated -- i.e. never -- somebody who was for abortion.