MSNBC's Joy Reid says the embryo ruling in Alabama has thrown open the “doors to the theocratic future that MAGA fascists want”
Reid: “Media Matters reports that Chief Justice Parker is a big believer in Christian nationalism and went on a Qanon conspiracist show to talk about it.”
From the February 22, 2024, edition of MSNBC's The Reidout
JOY REID (HOST): It's already happening in Alabama, where, which -- which threw open the doors to the theocratic future that MAGA fascists want this week when the state Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker invoked God in deciding that frozen embryos should be considered children. Media Matters reports that Chief Justice Parker is a big believer in Christian nationalism and went on a Qanon conspiracist show to talk about it.
“Parker indicated that he's a proponent of the ‘Seven Mountain Mandate,’ a theological approach that calls on Christians to impose fundamentalist values on all aspects of American life.” He also “claimed that ‘God created government’ and said it's ‘heartbreaking’ that ‘we have let it go into the possession of others.’”
So Chief Justice Parker's attempt at repossessing government means that the two largest IVF clinics in Alabama have now paused activities because they don't know their legal risks. It will only be a matter of time before Republicans impose the kind of Christian nationalist Gilead we already see in Alabama and Mississippi and Florida and Tennessee and Missouri and Oklahoma and Iowa on the rest of America.