On the February 17 edition of the NBC-syndicated Chris Matthews Show, host Chris Matthews asked his panel if “Barack Obama's oratorical ability on the lectern in front of big rooms [will] continue to be his winning edge?” In response, New York Times columnist David Brooks said: “Yes, but he's got to get away from colleges. Go visit a factory for once.” In fact, Obama visited a Wisconsin General Motors factory, where he delivered what his campaign called a “major economic policy address” a few days before Brooks made his comment.
A February 14 New York Times article reported that on February 13, Obama “opened his campaign for next week's Wisconsin primary by presenting his plan to spur the creation of construction and environmentally friendly jobs. He made his speech inside a General Motors plant in Janesville, Wis.”
A blogger for the Obama campaign put a photograph of Obama at the GM plant on Obama's website:

In addition to the Times, the Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and Washington Post reported on Obama's factory visit and address.
From the February 17 edition of the NBC-syndicated Chris Matthews Show:
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about this question. Let's step back to who going to win in the next three or four months. Without completely defining, as reporters, something you can't define, what will happen in the future, will Barack Obama's oratorical ability on the lectern in front of big rooms continue to be his winning edge?
CHRYSTIA FREELAND (Financial Times managing editor): Yes.
DAVID GREGORY (NBC News chief White House correspondent): Yes, Absolutely.
ELISABETH BUMILLER (New York Times reporter): Yes.
BROOKS: Yes, but he's got to get away from colleges. Go visit a factory for once.
MATTHEWS: Before we break, as we've been saying, Hillary Clinton needs something to shake up the Democratic race.