JANE MAYER (GUEST): I don't think you have it quite exactly right. It's not that she heard it said out loud. It's that the reporter, Diana Falzone, confided in the colleague who I interviewed about it. And yes, I think that the record will show this - if in fact its record is ever disclosed. And in fact there's a call tonight by the lawyer for Diana Falzone. She, unfortunately, is under a gag order.
Fox will not allow her to speak because there's a nondisclosure agreement with her. She sued Fox for gender discrimination and there was a settlement out of court and she's not allowed to speak about what happened to her at Fox and about her doing this story. But her lawyer tonight, whose name is Nancy Erica Smith, has put out a statement calling for Fox to lift that NDA and let her speak about this so the truth can come out. And I'd love for Fox to lift the NDA. I think that would just be great, and we can see.
CHRIS HAYES (HOST): I would like to read that statement because it is quite remarkable. So this is a woman who is at the center of this - this explosive story you've reported, right? The idea it was killed to politically benefit the president. It was essentially helping a cover up - we know that cover up also happened because of the hush money, which is a federal crime as pleaded to by Michael Cohen. And the person at the center of it, covered by an NDA because of a settlement with Fox News - her lawyer tonight saying “in light of the false and defamatory statements being made by Fox News agent Ken LaCorte and Fox News employee Howard Kurtz, Dianna Falzone” - again the reporter who you report found the Stormy Daniels and had it quashed - “asks Fox News, and specifically Rupert Murdoch, to release her from her non-disclosure agreement on the topic of her reporting in October of 2016 regarding Donald Trump paying hush money to Stormy Daniels, because the public has a right to hear the truth.” So I guess we will wait to hear from that.