From the June 1 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:
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BILL O'REILLY (HOST): I think the wall would go a long way. I have always been a proponent of the wall, to stopping that traffic coming across.
MONICA CROWLEY: Of course. Of course.
O'REILLY: And at least making it easier for the authorities to know who is here and who isn't.
CROWLEY: Your question, Bill, is about unintended consequences.
CROWLEY: Let's talk about the intended consequences because both political parties have refused to enforce our immigration laws and they want open borders. On the right --
O'REILLY: I don't think the Republicans want open borders, do they?
CROWLEY: On the right you have groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, you have other people in big business who want the open borders, they want the amnesty because they want the cheaper labor. On the left, it's all about power. It's not about labor costs, it's about power. On the left, they want to flood the zone, they want to lock as many illegal immigrants into dependency on government programs, and the ultimate objective of that is to lock in a permanent Democratic liberal majority.
O'REILLY: If the vote comes up tomorrow for the wall, the Republicans vote for it. However, something that neither of you mentioned, the open border people, yeah, they may be a political component in. Registered on the Democratic Party. But they want open borders. The New York Times wants open borders.
CROWLEY: Of course.
O'REILLY: They feel that it's inhumane to have any border. You heard John Kerry over giving that speech at the graduation. We're living in an open border world.