Gibbs Tweets for New York Times Story Backing Obama

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has said he is learning to use Twitter to promote issues and events.

Another example this morning has Gibbs tweeting with a link to a New York Times story that reports President Obama had warned as far back as 2007 that financial and housing regulations needed a summit meeting.

Here's the Tweet:

PressSec Before financial system nearly collapsed, Obama was warning of holes in regulatory fabric and crises on the horizon

The Times story offers this lead: “Just over three years ago, early in his uphill campaign for president, Senator Barack Obama wrote to the Federal Reserve chairman and the Treasury secretary calling for a summit conference to address signs of trouble in the housing and financial markets."

This follows previous Gibbs Tweets linking to stories on General Motors paying back its federal loan, the new START treaty, and even Gibbs' latest bike ride.