New York Times Reporter Risen Subpoenaed Over Book

James Risen, a New York Times reporter and author of a 2006 book about the CIA, has been subpoenaed by the Justice Department to testify about the confidential sources used in his book, according to the Times.

“The author, James Risen ... received a subpoena on Monday requiring him to provide documents and to testify May 4 before a grand jury in Alexandria, Va., about his sources for a chapter of his book,' State of War: The Secret History of the C.I.A. and the Bush Administration,'" the Times reported today. “The chapter largely focuses on problems with a covert C.I.A. effort to disrupt alleged Iranian nuclear weapons research.”

Risen referred questions to his lawyer, Joel Kurtzberg, who told the Times that Risen would not comply and would seek to quash the subpoena.

“He intends to honor his commitment of confidentiality to his source or sources,” Kurtzberg said in the story. “We intend to fight this subpoena.”