Newsmax criticizes Tucker Carlson for his pro-Putin rhetoric
Dick Morris: "[If] the only thing you don't agree with us on is that you can let Russia take over the world, then, I'm sorry, you don't agree with us"
From the March 15, 2022, edition of Newsmax's Stinchfield
GRANT STINCHFIELD (HOST): So as the war drags on in Ukraine, Putin is stepping up pro-Russia propaganda to justify his invasion. And Vladimir Putin is taking credit for using, ready for this, Fox's Tucker Carlson to do it. This is from Vladimir Putin, not me, folks. A leaked Kremlin memo to Russian media says it is quote "essential" to feature Tucker Carlson on Russian news.
STINCHFIELD: So, Tucker Carlson – I've told you this before Dick – I agree with almost probably 95/98% of the things that this guy says, except on this. I'm so confused by it, which is why I play these sound bites. This one was the straw, for me, that says what in the world is going on? It's cut 4 of Tucker Carlson talking about Biden declaring war on Russia.
DICK MORRIS (NEWSMAX CONTRIBUTOR): Who are we going to side with? The country that's a democracy that got attacked or the dictatorship that did the attacking? Listen, Grant, you can say I agree with him on 98% of the stuff, but Ukraine isn't 2%. Ukraine is the overwhelming bulk of it. I mean, for God's sakes, if you for the – if you agree with us and everything, the only thing you don't agree with us on is that you can let Russia take over the world, then, I'm sorry, you don't agree with us.
STINCHFIELD: Yeah. I agree with you for sure.