Newsmax guest calls on all “patriotic” Americans to “resist” public health guidelines
Rory McShane: “we are on the cusp of, you know, of ”1984" Victory Gin and Big Brother and war with Eurasia"
From the November 20, 2020, edition of Newsmax's National Report
SHAUN KRAISMAN (ANCHOR): It does make you wonder at some point, though, where do you cut it off. I know that, you know, we're here joking about it but it's, man, how invasive is that to tell you what you have to do inside of your home? It almost makes me think do you have to wear a mask when you're in the shower at this point? You're taking a bath at this point? I mean, that's tough. And, you know, California has got the same thing, they're draconian measures as well, you can't leave your house after 10 pm, Rory.
RORY MCSHANE (GUEST): Yeah, I mean this has exceeded anything reasonable to curtail a virus or to ensure public health. This is about government control. This is about, you know -- in the end of all cycles of free people and free societies, people accept totalitarianism out of fear and out of dependence on a government. And this is -- you know, you look at the fall of Rome, you look at the fall of Greece, like, this is in complete keeping with how free societies become totalitarian societies. And I really think it's the patriotic duty of Americans to resist the government telling you what you can and cannot do in your own home. You know, we are on the cusp of, you know, of "1984" Victory Gin and Big Brother and war with Eurasia. You know, all references to a complete totalitarian regime where we now have the government telling you what you can do.