Newsmax guest says white men “will be at the back of the line” under a Kamala Harris presidency
Betsy McCaughey: Kamala Harris “has a track record of being a racist against whites”
From the September 10, 2024, Newsmax broadcast
BETSY MCCAUGHEY (GUEST): The biggest lie tonight was her attempt to accuse Donald Trump of being a racist when she has a track record of being a racist against whites. And let me just give you a couple of examples. This down payment -- $25,000 down payment that she says she wants to help first time homebuyers -- if you actually look at the bill, it's called the Down Payment Toward Equity Act. It's already in Congress, right? She's been pushing it since 2019. It's not for white homebuyers. To get the full amount, it says right in the bill you must be African American, Asian American, Hispanic American. You cannot be --
MERCEDES SCHLAPP (HOST): Or Venezuelan gang members at this point, right.
MCCAUGHEY: Right. You have to be a minority. And since her first time in office, she has done that. Equity has been her major point. Equity is the opposite of equality. It's treating people differently, right? The American Rescue Act, Biden-Harris gave debt relief to Black farmers, section 104, not white farmers. Gave -- it gave relief to restaurant owners, but only minorities and women. So I would say to white men watching this show, don't be fooled by Kamala Harris. You will be at the back of the line.