Newsmax host directs audience to Newsmax website to watch Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's speeches in full

Greg Kelly: “She's good”

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From the February 9, 2021, edition of Newsmax' Greg Kelly Reports 

GREG KELLY (HOST): She's good. Here's my point. I had heard a million different things about Marjorie Taylor Greene and I thought, "Wow, she seems, you know, whatever."

But I was just listening to what the media told me about her. And then I sat down and I actually read some of what she's written, and I've watched some of her since she's gotten to Congress -- you know, uninterrupted speeches, like all 20 minutes of that.

Now, you know the media. They'll do what I just did, quite frankly -- chop up -- look, we've got commercial breaks. You can't play 20 minutes of Marjorie Taylor Greene at seven at night. But -- so, we're limited.

But you can, on your own, go to C-SPAN, go to You can find this material and watch it in its entirety. I am telling you, there's so many opportunities to do that. The media will distort almost by definition.