Newsmax host on House Republican dysfunction: “You're going to have a very small minority of the conference almost hold more than 200 members hostage”
From the January 5, 2023, edition of Newsmax's Wake Up America
ROB FINNERTY (HOST): Day three. I've heard the comparisons to Groundhog Day. I don't like that comparison because things for Bill Murray in Groundhog Day get better every day until the movie hits a crescendo at the end. Is it going to happen for Kevin McCarthy? Could today be the day, Tom Basile?
TOM BASILE (HOST): Well, we are hearing that there is – there is a deal. But, first of all, I want to say this -- you know, look, the fact that we don't have a functioning Congress means that they can't spend any money. So look on the bright side, right? I mean, I think that, as a taxpayer, it's alright, you know, for a few days. But, look, we are hearing that there is some sort of a deal. We will see at noon when the vote is taken. The question for Kevin McCarthy and for the Republicans is, if he does survive, is he encumbering his Speakership with all of these deals to a point where he's going to be, ultimately, a weak Speaker? And you're going to have a very small minority of the conference almost hold more than 200 members hostage and, sort of, drive agenda or drive a strategy there. And that presents real problems for the Republicans, potentially, going forward.