The “Trump won” flag at the Texas Rangers game was unfurled by Infowars host Owen Shroyer; Infowars has been bragging about the stunt.
Newsmax host: “I still have concerns about the election of 2020, and it's OK to have concerns”
Greg Kelly shouts out the action of Infowars host Owen Shroyer: “This man has such concerns, he thinks that Trump won. You know, people are still investigating that.”
From the August 2, 2021, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports
GREG KELLY (HOST): Alright, oh, the 2020 election. We have real concerns about the fairness of that election. It's OK to have concerns. This man has such concerns, he thinks that Trump won. You know, people are still investigating that, and he puts this flag out wherever he goes. This is at a ball game, I think a Texas Rangers game, and he unfurls this flag. Watch what happens next.
He's got a great point there. They're calling the cops? There are a lot of -- people do crazy stuff at a ballgame. People run out of the field and then you call the cops. But this, you don't call the cops for that. I still have concerns about the election of 2020, and it's OK to have concerns, all right? About the fairness and I think we should look into that.