Newsmax host on MSU shooting: “None of this would have happened if the state of Michigan actually enforced law and order”
From the February 14, 2023, edition of Newsmax's Rob Schmitt Tonight
ROB SCHMITT (HOST): Alright, so last night in Michigan a very sick man shot up the campus of Michigan State University. As expected, the media immediately tried to politicize a tragedy but were quickly hit with a strong dose of reality.
So, you've been preconditioned to believe that the suspect would be a young white kid with an AR-15 that he illegally just bought it Dicks Sporting Goods. An act that could have been prevented if only Republicans would quit being such morons about guns. But, again, none of that was the case. There's the killer, 43 year-old Anthony McRae.
And he did all of that damage with a pistol, a pistol he acquired illegally. And then we learned that none of this would have happened if the state of Michigan actually enforced law and order which, of course, is not very fashionable in Blue states anymore. It turns out that McRae previously had a felony gun charge that was dismissed by a progressive prosecutor. He should have been in jail last night when he committed this crime.